Nuuanu Pali cliffs in early morning
Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii - ATAH
Digital Photo

Showcase Sites
The best way to see what we can do,
is to check what we have already done. All
the following examples are
FrontPage®-based Webs. Click on links below
for samples of work created: |
Logo.gif) |
Business Sites Created by A. T. A.
The Pheonician,
LLC is the largest boat repair facility in the State of Hawaii.
It features a 80 traveling boat hoist and is situated on a 5 acre parcel
adjacent to Kalaeloa (Barber's Point) Harbor. It is supported by
machine, welding, wood, pipefitting, electrical/electronic, rigging,
blasting and painting shops. |
 | Hawaii Marine Company (Naval
Architectural, Marine Engineering, and Computer Aided Drafting & Design Services)
This website's for a professional engineering services company.
incorporates 3D wire-frames, CAD drawings and Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets. |
 | Hawaii Marine
Templates This site is a subweb of the Hawaii Marine Company
site. It sells marine design templates. The whole sales
process is wonderfully automatic. A buyer selects an item, pays
for it by credit card, and then immediately downloads the product. |
 | Marisco Limited (Featuring the largest
commercial dry-dock and the largest industrial machine shop in the State of Hawaii)
This is a good example of a firm's site created by Advanced
Technology Associates Hawaii. This large site was developed such
that company staff can use FrontPage to keep it current. |
 | Digital
Picture Gallery (Featuring flowers, seascapes, landscapes,
maritime activities and much much more) This site shows the large
and varied library of stock photographs that Advanced Technology
Associates Hawaii has at its disposal. |
Anawati and
Associates provides professional marine and agricultural engineering
services to the State of Hawaii. |
Free Picture Gallery
Similar to proceeding web except that the pictures here are free for
personal use. |
 | Advanced Technology Associates (Web
and Computer Related Services) This listing refers to this site.
A detailed list of services offered can be found on the Web
Development page of this site. |
Ministry Sites Created by A. T. A.
 | New Hope
Windward (One of the largest and fastest growing churches on the
Island of Oahu's Windward Side.) This comprehensive site is
about 50 pages with animated GIFs and many collages. This site
is designed so the church staff can update it using FrontPage. |
 | Oahu March for Jesus
(20,000 marchers were sought for this Hawaii event. This is a
large web site.) This is a informative and logistical site
includes many custom photographs
taken by Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii. |
 | On Eagles Wings (Itinerant
Interdenominational Ministry Services based in Pocatello, Idaho)
This site has flair and a personal touch. |
 | Creation versus Evolution
(Check it Out for Yourself) This site has an animated GIF that
explodes. |
 | Israel Trip (Innovative Ways to
Sponsoring Ministry Leaders on Holy Land Trips, Be a Blessing) |
96744 United in Prayer (This site encourages the Kaneohe and Kahaluu
communities to mobilize for prayer) The goal is revival starting
in the public schools and community services (such as police & fire).
Personal Sites Created by A. T. A.
 | Rivera's a web
site for a family. This site is automatically updated with
weather information whenever it is visited. |
 | Brian Trenhaile's personal
web site for a man. |
 | Plus there are websites that are not listed here. |

Red Anthirium, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii
This photograph courtesy Digital
Picture Gallery

So many precious comments about our work. Here is a sample of some
of them.
 | I wanted to say Thanks for the incredible job you've done on the MFJ Web site. You
deserve a great deal of credit. Great Great Great JOB. Killer web site! (Regarding
"Oahu March for Jesus" web
site) Loved the web pages and pictures. (regarding the "On Eagles Wings" web
site) Rick Frasure, Senior Pastor, Kaneohe, Hawaii
 | What a wonderful testimony!!! (Regarding "Creation versus Evolution" web site).
Pastor David Browder, COGOP Missions Director for Pacific & Asian Region, American Samoa
 | Great Sites - good
job. Terry White, Publisher of
Hawaii Ocean
Industry, Honolulu, Hawaii
 | I think the site you have built for Rick and Karen "Eagles Wings" is
awesome. It opens very quickly considering the amount of pictures. May God
bless you as you help to further the work of the kingdom. Wendi Spencer, Grand
 | I came across your web site and found it to be very fascinating. (Comment
regarding Hawaii Marine Company web
site) Karen Leidal, Lake
Mills, Iowa
 | You did a great job, very impressive, professional, interesting, and informative
"Home Page." (Comment regarding Oahu
March for Jesus Site) Susan I. Frasure, Pochatello, Idaho
 | We sure have enjoyed your web sites, we especially liked
Hannah's and Abigail's with all the neat
pictures. Also liked the creation
article in your personal web
site. Dan & Ruth
Korolyshyn, Grafton, Virginia
 | I'm so excited!! You have an incredible page! ... Be sure to have your paged linked onto
the links! It is too good to be
missed by anyone!! (Comment regarding Oahu
March for Jesus site.) Goulart
 | Thanks for the pictures (photographs of people, posing and in action). I really
like them. Dominic Kila, Teacher and
Salesman, Kaneohe, Hawaii
 | Just to let you know I really enjoy your web page! Thank you for giving me all the
information I need to attend this year's March
for Jesus. Ansel Valencia, Honolulu, Hawaii
 | Comments regarding the Rivera
Family web site:
 | Fabulous website!! I really think the pictures and the website
is great! I love how you have your interests, hobbies, and
beliefs there. I love the approach and included other
members of your family outside of your immediate nucleus. Marguerite,
Hayward, Bay Area, California" |
 | Wow! The pictures look great!!! You did a great job taking those
pictures and setting up the website. I am completely
satisfied with your job and I believe people should hear about
it. Alejandro Rivera, Martinez, California" |
 | Dude, that's hot! It's perfect for a family thing. Rommel
Rivera, Bay Area, California" |
 | I thought the website was great it had a lot of nice pictures of
the Rivera family! Ron Decastro, Bay Area, California

Kaneohe from Pali Lookout, Oahu, Hawaii
- ATAH Digital Photo
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trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. |