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White Mountain Backpacks, Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Discounter

White Mountain Backpacks

We may not be a familiar name in the world of backpacks today, and this is not surprising. White Mountain™ is the trading name of an Original Equipment Manufacturer, (or OEM) that has been quietly working in the background for more than 30 years, manufacturing, designing and supplying backpacks to well known major brands worldwide.

No, White Mountain™ Backpacks are not the cheapest product available, but we represent the highest quality and the best in functionality for  the world's lowest price. Please do not confuse our low prices with other backpack brands that are of the same price. Why? We are able to provide these high quality backpacks at these low prices for one simple reason, you are buying direct from the manufacturer.

The Purpose of this Website

The main purpose of this website, is to provide today's backpack buyer with enough information to make an informed choice on the product they purchase, regardless of whether this choice is a White Mountain™ backpack, or another brand. Our focus, is to  provide you with professional advice to make the correct choice of backpack, provide information on choosing a fully functional backpack, and where possible provide a service to have your backpack professionally fitted, or information on fitting your backpack correctly.

ENTER White Mountain, Backpack Manufacturer, Backpack Wholesaler and Backpack Retailer selling High Quality, High Functioning DISCOUNT BACKPACKS, direct online at the WORLD'S BEST PRICES!

White Mountain™ Website Contents/Map - A Statement on White Mountain™ Backpacks in Australia


128 bit SSL securely encrypted and certified safe website provided by Entrust through our host server At White Mountain™ we offer you secure server transactions for your all your purchases, so there is no need to worry about anything. However, if you are uncomfortable purchasing online, feel free to email Garry to discuss your order.

Why Purchase from White Mountain?

White Mountain™ offer high quality, high functioning products at extraordinarily low prices when compared to any other like product on the world market. You have the security of dealing with one the world's largest manufacturers of backpacks, and our personal guarantee of quality.

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Website Copyright © 1998 by OZ Outdoors Pty Ltd ABN 71 064 21 377 All rights reserved
Address: 7 King Street, Prahran, Melbourne VIC Australia 3181 Managing Director, Author and Web Design - Garry Ritchie