The Wayback Machine -

user registration

Register a Global User Account

register now!A single Global User registration lets you instantly carry your unique identity across over tens of thousands of active communities.

To register, just fill out the two sections below, agree to our terms and click the "Register My Global Account" button. You will then be sent an email with account validation instructions.

Fields marked required require a response

one :: Account Information

Desired User Name response required

Desired Password response required minimum 5 characters

Enter Desired Password Again response required

Your Secret Question response required

Your Secret Answer response required

For increased account security, select from the list of secret questions and answer it above.
Your password will always be retrievable with this information.

Email Address response required

Enter Email Address Again response required

two :: Profile Information

This information will be used primarily for internal verification purposes. For a full description of how we safeguard your information, please see our Privacy Policy.

First Name response required

Last Name response required

Zip Code/Postcode response required

Country response required

Birth Month / Birth Year response required

ex: 09/75

Gender response required

Male Female

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