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Pacific Islands Radio (Premium Broadcast)

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by janeres from
created: May 18, 01
updated: Nov 27, 04
Broadcast Schedule  Broadcaster's Website

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 AM 16 kbps
Rated by:
  14 people

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This Station Plays Tracks Like:
Telek - To Pol - Serious Tam (PNG)
ISLANDS - Aira Sor - Best of
Black Roses - Alone Tonight - Paradise
Jourur - Ij-jab Watob - Kickback Vol. 2 - Islander Reggae Sound & Rhythm
Rasta Nui - Te Maringi Nei - Rasta Nui

Broadcaster Comments
Welcome everybody to our Pacific Islands Radio! Pacific Islands Radio is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! The music played on Pacific Islands Radio has authentic examples of both the contemporary and traditional forms of Island music from the low atolls like Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Tokelau and Tuvalu to the volcanic peaks of islands like Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii as well as the mountain ranges of New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tonga, Easter Island, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji along with the Federated States of Micronesia (Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae, Yap), Guam, Palau and Saipan. The music comprises traditional chants of our gods and mythology, gospel music as well as the day-to-day music including songs about the islands and the people along with the uniquely beautiful love songs with their haunting lyrics and melodies. Please enjoy the enchanting sounds of the Pacific! Thank you ... Jane Resture ... For further information and to view some of the profiles of our artists, please visit the following Web site:

Broadcaster's Station Picks
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