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Links to some of our Favorite Native American sites, both informational and product-related. All links open in a new window, so returning to Mom's Tent is easy.

Native American Informational Sites

WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
The Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
Frybread Hut - powered by vBulletin
A fun and informative Forum where you can meet new friends and learn about Native American Culture.
This site lists over 3000 historical events which happened to or affected the indigenous peoples of North America. It also has Tribal name meanings and alternative names, Indian "moon" names, and links to thousands of other sites.
Gray Cloud's Indian Journey
Wonderful site with links to Native Information, Languages, Recipes, Music, Charities, PowWows, Museums, Story Lore, and much, much more.
American Indian Culture Research Center
The principal purpose of the Center is to inform the general public of the world view, the philosophy of life, the spiritual insight of Native Peoples. Our website offers a very slight beginning of a learning to respect the giftedness of all Native Peoples.
Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World
The American Indian Heritage Foundation was establised to provide relief services to Indian people nationwide and to build bridges of understanding and friendship between Indian and non-Indian people.

Native American Shopping Sites

Hands Around the World
Hand made art and gifts from around the world with a particular emphasis on Indonesian art and Native American crafts from Mexico and South America including Indian baskets, pottery, jewelry, sculpture, textiles, musical instruments, decorative boxes, masks, puppets, dolls, and religious crafts such as nativities, angels, and crucifixes.
Finger Woven Sashes by Hunting Hawk
Waist and Leg Sashes - Chevron and Diagonal Patterns, both Plain or Lapped, Lightning, Ladder and Arrowhead Patterns. 100 Percent Virgin Wool. Sashes in Stock and Custom Orders Available
American Indian style Moccasins and Handbags from Taos-authentic sterling silver bracelets, earrings, pendants, necklaces and artifacts.
Tachini Drums Company
Custom handcrafted Native American drums & supplies. LARGEST SELECTION ONLINE! 100% owned & operated by Salish people of the Flathead Reservation. Drums of elk, buffalo, moose, & horse hide heads. Drum making supplies.
Bearclaw Jewelry
Custom designed Rings Bracelets Pendants Earrings and more since 1987. Specializing in engraving Native Chipewyan designs they have developed an emerging style and created unique and refreshing 21st century Native Art
Great Trading Path
Native American Indian drums, crafts, art, baskets, beadwork, jewelry, greeting cards, pottery and South Eastern Indian history.
native american traders is committed to offering you the very best in Native American art including Katsina (Kachina)Dolls, Prehistoric Pottery as well as contemporary Pottery, Navajo Weavings (rugs), Paintings by established and new Artist, Fetishes, Indian Baskets, many old books of Indian adventure and history, a collection of American Indian Art Magazines, and Arizona Highways Magazines. We offer a large selection of Indian Event Posters including Market and Pow Wow.
Earth Shadow Design
Native American Drum Company, specializing in custom made Native American Drums, Medicine Shields, and Pipes.
Native Heritage Crafts - American Indian Styled Crafts
Hand made Native American Indian styled crafts featuring dreamcatchers, chokers, beaded earrings, beaded hair jewelry, mandellas, herbal tea, goat milk soap, and much more.
Free Eagle Native Arts
Lances, Knives, Tomahawks, Mandalas, Jewelry, Flutes, Drums, Ceremonial Items, dreamcatchers and other original items, all authentically American Indian made either by Free Eagle, his brother James Red Spirit Buffalo or other American Indian people.
Living Drums Co.
Native American arts, crafts, drums & other inspired works of art. Wholesale and retail. Secure online ordering.
Cedar Song Flutes
Here you will find finely crafted Native American Flutes and Native American Drums as well as beautiful Wampum Jewelry, Stone, and Red Cedar Wood Items.

c 2004 Mom's Tent (a G&L; Internet Marketing Webstore) 2 Ridgewood Dr. Bloomsburg PA 17815
Not An Indian Product or Indian Produced as defined by 26 USA-305 et Seq., unless otherwise specified.