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Website general information


Professional web design general website information

Combining professional web design with simple and guiding navigation, intelligent copywriting and search engine promotion will achieve a highly visited website that conveys your web image and commitment to your current and prospective customers.

Business managers are now aware, whether their company is small or large, private or public that they need a website and email to progress in a competitive environment.

Whether that website is intended to be a new sales vehicle designed to increase turnover and profits or a tool to support and reduce the costs of current traditional marketing there are many questions raised.

Just a few of those questions asked:

How do I know your doing the website right when I don’t understand the technologies myself?
Will there be a return on my website investment?
Why are there such huge differences in the web development quotations I am receiving?
Why are there so many different web solutions for the same project?
Why so many web technologies?
Will I be in the search engines?
What is search engine optimisation?

What’s the best solution for the search engines?
What are the running costs, and why do they vary so much?

Then some of those questions that we recommend you should ask:

Will the web design, images, animations and content be optimised for the web?
Is the web site hosting fast, secure and reliable, and are the statistics concise?
Will the website be viewable by all internet web browsers?
Will the website be viewable in all monitor resolutions?
Is the website future proofed if you wish to expand or add new web applications?
Is the web site built to be search engine SEO friendly?
Does the web company offer continued support after the project?
Can I talk to your current customers and ask if they feel they have had good service and achieved the all important return on their investment?
Will the development support my current IT infrastructure?

There are many more questions you should be asking, most of which we will raise and answer within the various areas of this site.

There is no set science to web design and development, a professional web design company will approach each project as a unique development and ascertain the individual needs of a client, proceeding then to the conceptualisation to achieve those specific needs and this process should consider many issues.

These Include:

Current web design and performance

A professional web design company will begin with analysing your current web design if applicable and should take time to establish if that website is supplying your customer requirements in a simple and effective way... click here for more

Current website marketing and search engine promotion

Your company will have already or will be considering a website development and may already have taken steps to submit your web design to the worlds search engines... click here for more

Current image and search engine promotion (SEO) market positioning

It may be that your business is very successful and established in a particular area where your image penetration has achieved brand awareness or you may be trying to achieve that branding, this will affect the way a professional website design company will approach your image creation... click here for more

Current website customer type and location

If your company is in the fortunate position that your current customer base achieves your required turnover and in smaller companies who do not wish to expand our experience has shown this to be the case, then your website design company will approach the design not for marketing purposes but for the support of that current client base... click here for more

New website clients required and location

Your web design company should take time to enquire where your goals lie for your new website customer base and vitally important is there location... click here for more

Long and short term website objectives and budget

Your webs design company will ascertain both your short and long term objectives and budget before any development takes place; this will enable the web development to be future proofed and eliminates any waste development that will need to be discarded... click here for more

Website and IT infrastructure

If you are a new company or recently established you may now be considering the costs and implications of committing to your IT infrastructure, hardware and software has advantages and limitations in all cases from one provider to another... click here for more

Services web design - ecommerce, interactive websites

Each type of product and service will require a unique approach to the way it is presented and marketed to your established and prospective customer base; services will normally require simpler technical solutions in regards to no logistical or ecommerce issues but may require extra information and support areas to convince prospective customers of the benefits of your solution... click here for more

Ecommerce websites

Where your business supplies a physical product a professional website design company will look at your short term, and long term range and bespoke develop an ecommerce system to suit that range... click here for more

Website competitor analysis

Website competitor analysis will be approached by your website design company with an open mind, simply viewing what is working for and what is not is the simplest means of creating a successful web design... click here for more

Website usage policies, web trading terms and conditions and website data protection

A good practice web company should take steps to protect itself and it’s customers from any legal issues that may arise from the guidance, usage or services supplied on their website... click here for more

Required web update frequency and content management systems

A professional web design company will analyse the requirements of each section and feature of your website development to ascertain the exact copy change requirements for that area... click here for more

Website hosting and analysing your website success

A professional web design company will be able to offer advice on the long and short term options for the hosting and support of your web design, with this service the web design company will also offer a wide range of business services and tools... click here for more

The overall aim of any website design company should be to achieve a return on the investment of their client; a professional web design company will support its clients throughout their relationship to ensure that return is achieved.

By giving satisfaction from the website design project for our client’s, professional website designers realise that a company will continue to invest in and improve their website. The cementing and development of our relationship with our clients and the success of our client’s websites is always our priority.


Also in this section:
current website
website marketing and seo


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