The images, graphics, maps, html code, scripts, and content on this web site and every web site created by Under Watercolours are protected by United States and international copyright laws. This law applies regardless of whether or not our content contains a copyright symbol. If you decide that you like something on any web site created by Under Watercolours so much that you take it to put it on your site or use it for any other purpose, and have not received written permission from Under Watercolours to do so, you will be billed for the use of that material no matter how long it takes us to find out that you have stolen from us. Whether it is one hour, one day or one year, you will be billed no less than $1000 for EACH violation, or up to three times the going rate for stock photography used in such an application. Along with our invoice, you will receive a cease and desist order informing you that you are also required to remove the content from where ever it is you decided to use it. If you fail to comply, we will file suit against you for copyright infringement. If you don't pay our invoice, you will go to court.
This is where it really gets good. Since our web sites are registered with the US Copyright Office, you may also be liable for statutory damages up to $150,000 plus our attorney's fees and all court costs. In the event you have removed any copyright notification this constitutes a deliberate and intentional infringement of our copyright and can be a criminal offense.
Under Watercolours does not do work for hire, therefore this law applies to each and every web site we create. If you have any questions about copyright in general we suggest you consult an attorney.
Under Watercolours reserves the right to modify or change these rules at any time without notice.
That's the law, folks. We love it, we use it and we enforce it.
Certain sections of this web site may be used by others at no cost, but only those sections listed below, and only under the following conditions:
You may link from your site to the Cozumel interactive map. Its even OK to display these pages within a frame of your own site. This is what we want you to do! All copyright links and notices must remain visible.
You may not copy the photos, graphics, text, maps and HTML code for use on your own web site unless you have contacted Bonnie Pelnar of Under Watercolours, and she has given you written permission to do this.
The Fiji Islands royalty free maps for personal use, business use, multi-media projects, slide output, publication in print, internet web sites magazines, and the like. To redistribute the files digitally, whether free or for a charge is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the royalty free license agreement. The images are electronically fingerprinted and violators will be prosecuted.
If you have any questions concerning this copyright notice please write to Under Watercolours, P.O. Box 52092, Irvine, CA 92619-2092.
One of the best and simplest to understand descriptions of current copyright laws can be found on the following web site:
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