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UK debt consolidation services
UK Debt Management Services
IVA Individual Voluntary Arrangement
Scottish Protected Trust Deeds
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I have to pay ?

You decide on our advice, on a single affordable monthly (or weekly) payment

What do you do ?

We negotiate with your unsecured (please see: ) credit companies to reduce your monthly payment and request them to freeze or reduce their monthly interest charges. We will then take a single monthly payment form yourself and pay your creditors on your behalf. This will make managing credit payments towards your far simpler.

How do I know I'm getting the best advice ?

We are Licensed by The Office of Fair Trading under the 1974 Consumer Credit Act and, as such, any debt management advice we give must be ethical and professional. In addition, your questionnaire and financial circumstances will be reviewed by our in-house Chartered Accountant, who has extensive experience in the financial industry services. We also adhere to the Data Protection act to ensure client confidentiality.

How do I know my debts are being paid ?

We will apportion any payments received from you for distribution between your creditors based on how much each is owed. We will issue a statement showing how much each creditor will receive. This remains fixed unless your circumstances change. We will also issue a quarterly statement showing all transactions on your account. In addition to this, you will still receive your statements from your creditors.We distribute funds within a week of them clearing.

What is the charge for this debt management service ?

As stated earlier, you will pay only one affordable monthly payment. Included within this payment will be a 17.625% distribution or debt management charge. Because most of our work for you will be done at the start of the programme, we will retain the first monthly payment to cover this costs. (i.e. it will not be initially used to pay your creditors)

What do I do next ?

To help us reduce your monthly payments, simply call one of our advisors on 0870 062 0686 or complete the call back request form. You will be under no obligation and all correspondence will be in the strictest of confidence.

Will this affect my credit rating ?

Possibly. As you are currently experiencing difficulties paying your debts, it possible one of your creditors has already recorded adverse finding against you. However, by joining the programme we ensure a regular monthly payment is made to each of your creditors.

Apply Now

Contact Us

AllClear Finance solutions include: Debt Management uk, Debt Consolidations Loans UK, Bad Credit Loans, Individual Voluntary Arrangement - IVA, Protected Trust Deeds Scotland or even bankruptcy. So consolidate your debt NOW through debt managment or a loan or remortgage we can advise on your best solution. AllClear Management Team.

© AllClear Finance 2003 Terms and Conditions

AllClear Finance is a Trading Name of Harrington Brooks.

Common Misspellings of Debt Consolidation, Debt Management and Bankruptcy Terms:
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