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About the Clerk's Office
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[Welcome to the Clerk's Office]
Richard Ake has served the citizens of Hillsborough County in the Clerk of the Circuit Court Office for over 37 years. He was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court in 1985 and has repeatedly won re-election since that time. He is committed to public service. As Clerk, Richard's innovative ideas and focus on the future has made the Hillsborough County Clerk's Office one of the best in the State of Florida. He and his staff continually strive to provide the public with the highest level of professional service.
[Go to the Fee Scehdule page]
General Fees

General fees for some of the services offered by the Clerk's Office
[Read the Mission Statement]
Mission Statement

The overall goals of the Clerk's Office
[Read the Clerk's Office Responsibilities]
Responsibilities of the Clerk

The various services provided and functions performed by the Clerk's Office
[Clerk's Office Hours]
Office Hours

Find out our office hours by location
Clerk's Perspective
Clerk's Perspective

Articles reprinted from the Public Trustee as a continuing effort to bring information about the Clerk’s Office to the citizens of Hillsborough County. 
[Go to the Clerk's Contact Information Page]
Contact Information

Need to visit, write, phone, or email the Clerk's Office?  You will find that information here

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From here you can find out more about the many services that the Clerk's Office provides to the public and the various functions that the Clerk's Office performs for Hillsborough County.


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This page last updated: 08/19/03