NMMA Certification
Welcome to the Engineering Standards home port!

NMMA is the only agency to offer certification for boats, yachts, trailers and PWC in the United States. This site is the gateway to timely and vital information of interest to all designers, builders and distributors of recreational boats and boat trailers in both the United States and around the world.
The technical section contains practical information and suggestions that we hope you will find useful. In addition to pages where you can ask questions and get quick answers to problems, it contains links to other informational marine websites.
Start by selecting one of the menu items from the menu on the left. We hope that you find your visit interesting and informative.
I have personally been involved with the NMMA Certification Program since 1969. I have seen it grow into a great source of information. To any young engineer starting out in the marine industry, the Certification Program is the fundamental training tool by which he or she will be guided throughout their career. The best minds in the business have had input into the program. To not take advantage of it is unimaginable.
John Deurr, Premier Pontoons
I thought a quick note was in order regarding the new boat show signage touting the benefits of NMMA certified boats: TERRIFIC! As you know, we have been strong supporters of the program since the early days (I believe we were the second sailboat builder certified--and only because of the order that we were on the desk!) but the certification program has no meaning to the public unless we tell 'em what it means. You are starting to do that in a very admirable way. I support the efforts, and hope there is enough in the budget to continue to educate the buyers about the all the benefits of buying an NMMA Certified vessel!
Bill Bolin, Island Packet Yachts