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Welcome to our 2004 website!

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Europlus has many years' experience in supplying new and ex-army tents, ex-army marquees and ex-army camping equipment. We are one of the UK’s leading army surplus specialists.

We supply ex-army tents and marquees to the film industry, tables and benches to large outdoor stadiums, and all manner of camping equipment to Guides, Scout and Scouting groups from all over the world.


Whatever your tentage requirements, be it a lightweight tent for a weekend camping trip or a heavy duty canvas ridge tent or bell tent for scout camp or disaster support scenes we've got it!

We are happy to supply small or large quantities of tents, shelters and marquees.  Bulk shipping rates can be arranged for large orders.

Times of opening Monday to Friday, 9am to 5 pm.  Personal callers welcome by appointment. We are not open Saturdays and Sundays.

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New Army Tents
Ex-Army Tents
Dining Shelters
TracPac Tents
Bell Tents
Party Event Tents
Cookware Catering
Camping Equipment
Special Offers



Contact us to discuss your ex-army tent requirements.
Remember we dispatch ex-army tents worldwide!

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TEL: +44 (0) 1234 740327    FAX: +44 (0) 1234 741708             EMAIL: