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The PakistaniMaritime site ring was created to make it easier to find Pakistani websites related to the Sea, boating and Marine activities. This is a non-profit venture in the interest of Pakistani Maritime Industry.  Joining the ring is free of charge and will increase traffic for your website.
A site ring unifies websites of similar content and makes it possible for the surfer to visit sites of common interest by using the Navigation Bar/ logo of the ring. It is, therefore, of prime importance that the Navigation Bar/logo be displayed on all member sites to facilitate uninterrupted navigation of the member websites.
You need to add the customized ring html code and the ring Navigation Bar / logo to your page.  before your site can be added to the ring. A copy of the ring html code, customized for your site, is sent by e-mail. Don't forget to notify the Ringmaster when the ring html code/logo has been added to your site. Please include URL and site I.D.


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