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   Mega digestive enzymes  

By improving your digestion, you'll be making big strides to improve your overall health

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Author: Michelle Schoffro Cook, DAc, CNC, CITP

Mega digestive enzymes

There are a few ways to increase the amount of digestive enzymes you have. The first is to supplement with a full-spectrum digestive enzyme product. It should contain a wide range of enzymes since each one serves a unique purpose. For example, lipase aids fat digestion, protease aids prtein digestion, amylase assists with carbohydrate digestion, lactase assists with digestion of dairy sugars, cellulase and hemicellulase assist with breaking down plant fibre. Ideally, you should get all of these enzymes in one supplement and always take them with each meal.
The second way to get more enzymes and to aid digestion is to eat raw foods with every meal. Raw foods contain enzymes that are destroyed by cooking, canning, processing, or pasteurizing food at temperatures over 118 degrees Fahrenheit.
Raw foods help lessen the toll on your digestive enzymes. I recommend eating a large salad at every meal. Vary the types and ingredients to get a wide range of nutrients and enzymes.
Probiotics here
By courtesy of Sheila Waters, Nutritional Consultant & Manager
Sangster's Health Centres
418-500 Country Hills Blvd NE, Calgary - Canada
Phone: (403)226-5910 Fax: (403)226-5912

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