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The importance of protein

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Author: Norm Danniels, Sports Nutrition Expert

Growth stage

A protein shake, ideally consumed within 30 minutes after exercise that contains both good quality carbohydrates along with a high biological value protein source is the simple solution. The obvious combination is a fruit juice based shake or smoothie that includes whey protein. This type of shake is quickly and easily digested (much quicker than solid food) and almost immediately initiates the recovery process.
Not only do the carbohydrates replenish your glycogen stores, they also encourage the release of insulin, which plays a significant role in the transportation and uptake of the protein contained in your shake. As far as the protein powder itself, a clean high quality blend such as Sangster's Whey Protein which includes Ultra Filtered Whey Protein Concentrate, Cross Flow Microfiltered Whey Protein Isolate & Whey Peptides is a sensible choice. It has both an outstanding protein percentage and a high biological value, two important considerations.
Feel free to add other ingredients and nutritional supplements to your post workout shakes. Many components will be absorbed faster along with the protein and carbohydrates. Creatine, Glutamine, and Flax Seed Oil are all valuable additions. Remember, your exercise really isn't over when you stop, it's when you unplug and put away your blender.
About the author: Norm Danniels, is president of Body Plus Inc., a company that specializes in the development and formulation of nutritional supplements for those with active lifestyles. Norm has almost two decades in the health and fitness industry and is one of Canada's leading sports nutrition specialist.
By courtesy of Sheila Waters, Nutritional Consultant & Manager
Sangster's Health Centres
418-500 Country Hills Blvd NE, Calgary - Canada
Phone: (403)226-5910 Fax: (403)226-5912

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