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  Thinking of supplementing

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Author: Sharie Hohn, Master Herbalist, Iridologist and Blood Analyst

Thinking of supplementing

There are certain supplements that we can add to our diets to help us improve our memory. One that stands out in the crowd is Phosphatidyl Serine, a phosphorus containing fatty acid, that is highly concentrated in our brain but is also found throughout our whole body. Our cell membranes have neuro-transmitters that transmit messages back and forth from cell to cell. Over time, these cells can become less flexible and this makes it harder for communication to occur between the cells.
Phosphatidyl Serine stimulates the production of neutrotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and nore pinephrine. This in turn helps to speed up the body's neuro-transmissions (messages). Disorders such as ADD/ADHD, depression, autism, bipolar and schizophrenia are a few of many brain related problems associated with abnormal neuro-transmitter activity. Studies have shown that people with ADD have certain brain regions with low levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. Supplementing with Phosphatidyl Serine has shown remarkable results with ADD as well as many other brain disorders. Students going through exams or professionals needing an edge can take Phosphatidyl Serine to help remember details better. Dr. Thomas Crook recommends taking 300 mg of Phophatidyl Serine for one month and then lowering the dosage to 100 mg daily.
Essential fatty acids
By courtesy of Sheila Waters, Nutritional Consultant & Manager
Sangster's Health Centres
418-500 Country Hills Blvd NE, Calgary - Canada
Phone: (403)226-5910 Fax: (403)226-5912

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25 reasons why nutritional supplements are needed..
Optimum nutrition
Vitamins deficiency
Mineral deficiency
Vitamins - minerals
A healthy diet
Vitamin dosages
Minerals dosages
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