Optimum levels of all known nutrients
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Tasty peach flavor |
Your health insurance: tasty liquid vitamins and antioxidants with all-natural ingredients and minerals plucked from plants and the earth itself - no sugar or artificial preservatives added. |
by: Health and Natural Lifestyles Inc. Isabelle Faith |
A healthy diet
Clearly a healthy diet must provide a proper balance of the four essential nutrients as well as a rich supply of vitamins, minerals and other micro nutrients. As a guideline:
- Avoid foods that contain additives and artificial ingredients. Additives and artificial ingredients add little or no nutritional value to your food. However, they do pose a proven threat to your health.
- Increase your consumption of RAW produce - fruits and vegetables. The importance here is raw: all enzymes and most vitamins are extremely sensitive to heat and are usually destroyed in the cooking process.
- Avoid overcooking your foods. Browned or burned bread and barbecued foods undergo changes in structure producing carcinogens. By eating produce raw or only lightly cooked, and by greatly limiting your consumption of meat, you will be doing much to decrease your risk of cancer and other disorders.
- Use the proper cooking utensils - only glass, stainless steel or iron pots and pans. Aluminum cookware or utensils have been implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
- Limit your use of salt. Excessive salt intake can cause fluid to be retained in the tissues which can lead to such things as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and some forms of kidney disease.
Quite simply, a healthy diet is one which provides optimum levels of all known nutrients and low levels of food components which are detrimental to health; such as, sugar, saturated fats, cholesterol, salt and additives. It's one that is rich in whole, natural and unprocessed foods and high in plant foods. It must contain adequate, but not excessive, quantities of protein and good fats. And a healthy diet also includes at least eight glasses of clean water per day. The avoidance of caffeine, chocolate, and cheese alone can help you ward off free radicals. Did you know that Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and that red meat is –32 on the pH scale? Did you know that lemons, limes and tomatoes are actually positive pH.
Health and Natural Lifestyles 524-42 Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G IY6, Canada Phone: (403) 212-6077 Fax: (403) 212-6079 | | | |