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Mystic Waters Fly Fishing Guides: Kenai River Alaska
Fly Fishing Alaska
Guide Bios


Fred Telleen
Owner / Guide  

At the age of 2, I captured my first Bluegill in Southern Michigan. Since then, I have never stopped looking into waters for fish. I have been guiding anglers and training guides on the Kenai River since 1989. I came up to Alaska from Wisconsin. After an internship with an adventure tourism company , I earned my degree in Recreation Administration. Following several seasons of guiding, I put my degree to work.

From the 1994 season through May of 2000, I served as the Fishing Program Director for a fishing lodge in Cooper Landing. My experience managing and guiding guests at the lodge provided an in-depth education in the sportfishing services business.

Guiding anglers and spending as much time as possible in wild Alaska have always been my true desires. During the fall of 1998, I bid on a limited-use permit through the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. My bid was successful, and I was issued a permit in the spring of 1999.

My years of guiding on the Kenai have taught me the techniques necessary to make your fishing experience educational and productive. You can expect top-notch service and 100% effort on every trip. I love sharing the Kenai River and surrounding waters with my guests. Making your angling dreams come true is my goal.

I leaned to fish with conventional tackle, but soon developed into a passionate fly-fisherman. Mystic Waters welcomes both experienced and novice anglers. We can customize your fishing trip whether your experience is with fly-fishing or conventional tackle. If you are interested in learning to fly-fish, do not be intimidated. It is fun and you can learn to catch fish in a very short time.

My wife Erin is supportive in my choice of profession. She also likes to fly-fish for trout and wrestle powerful salmon. We share a wonderful daughter named Keeli, who caught a 20# King Salmon at the age of 4. Now at 9yrs, Keeli has been known to out-fish more seasoned anglers much to my amusement. Our son Kyle loves to go fishing. He is just starting to manage a rod and has landed some bluegills. His favorite part of fishing, is releasing our catch. This coming summer, he'll be 4, and ready to catch up to his sister.


Stacy Corbin
Featured Guide  

Stacy Corbin caught his first fish in Arizona at the age of three. According to his mom, he proudly dragged his prize sucker around in the dirt for some time. He began fly-fishing with his Dad at the age of six, and most fish since have met a better fate than that poor sucker. Stacy has fished much of western North America, and has developed a passion for sharing the art of fly-fishing. Stacy moved to Seward in 1981 and began taking in the fishing opportunities of South Central Alaska. The Kenai River became his favorite stomping ground.

After graduating with a degree in Marketing from Washington State in 1993, Stacy started Grand Tour and Russian River Fly Fishers. Now when he is not promoting Alaskan tourism, playing in a band, fly-fishing off a beach in Baja, or wogging silvers in the salt, he can be found rowing a boat and chasing trout on the Upper Kenai. He is an avid outdoorsman, and enjoys biking, hiking, camping, and of course fishing.

Stacy loves guiding and will eagerly share his knowledge and techniques. Mystic Waters is happy to feature Stacy as a guide.


Additional Guide Resources

In the event that Fred and/or Stacy are both guiding a full boat, we will do our best to place you with one of our top guiding friends/associates.




Mystic Waters
P.O. Box 791, Cooper Landing, Alaska, 99572, US
phone:  907-227-0549

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