Saturated and unsaturated fats
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by: Health and Natural Lifestyles Inc. Isabelle Faith |
The body does need fat - the essential fats. In fact, cutting down on fats gets some people into trouble because when we are short in essential fats our body suffers. Fat is necessary for normal brain development in children. It is essential to provide energy and support growth. It is used in manufacturing antibodies to fight disease and acts as carriers for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Excessive non-essential fat, however, is a major causative factor in obesity, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and colon cancer, and has been linked to a number of other disorders as well. Fats are either saturated or unsaturated; in other words, either solid or liquid. Saturated fats - from animal products and dairy items - are best avoided. These fats raise blood cholesterol and should be consumed as little as possible. Some oils are solidified by being hydrogenated to make margarines and shortening and are found in cereals, snacks, candies, cakes and breads. Hydrogenated oils do much of the damage attributed to fats and must be avoided. Polyunsaturated fats are found in most foods but mainly in fish, nuts, oils from plants, seeds and soybeans. These oils are liquid at room temperature and help to reduce blood cholesterol. Mono-saturated fats are found in most foods as well, but mainly in vegetable and nut oils such as olive and canola oil. These also remain liquid at room temperature and reduce blood cholesterol; however, to remain beneficial to the body these oils should not be heated.
Milk is not recommended in a daily diet routine. Dr. John McDougall suggest that milk is high in fat, a major cause of allergy, causes gastrointestinal problems, respiratory reactions, skin rashes, behavioral changes, abnormal blood clotting, may interfere with the body's immune system, heart failure, environmental poisons and most people cannot digest it properly. |
Health and Natural Lifestyles 524-42 Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G IY6, Canada Phone: (403) 212-6077 Fax: (403) 212-6079 | | | |