When do we not need to take supplements?
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Tasty peach flavor |
Your health insurance: tasty liquid vitamins and antioxidants with all-natural ingredients and minerals plucked from plants and the earth itself - no sugar or artificial preservatives added. |
by: Health and Natural Lifestyles Inc. Isabelle Faith |
Supplements are not needed if...
Vitamins are organic substances necessary for life, which the body uses for essential body functions. Generally, the body cannot manufacture vitamins, so it must get them from food or supplements. While the body can live without a constant supply of all the vitamins, for optimal health all are necessary. We do not need to take supplements if:
- The food you eat is organically grown in mineral and nutrient rich soil.
- The food you eat was mature and ripened on the vines, plants or trees.
- The food is consumed within a few days of harvesting.
- You eat a wide variety of foods, mostly fresh and raw.
- You do not eat processed, deep fried junk food or candy.
- You drink at least eight cups of pure water daily.
- You are not being exposed to chemicals in food, air or water.
- You have only occasional stress.
- You get adequate rest in clean fresh air.
- You are not exposed to electromagnetic emissions from appliances, TV, etc.
- Your body is not exposed to mercury, lead, aluminum or other heavy metals.
- You fast or detoxify your body, liver and colon at least twice a year.
If those 12 points describe your lifestyle, then there is no need for you to take supplements. Let's be honest - who in this world today lives such a lifestyle? Whenever you seek to correct a vitamin or mineral deficiency, you must recognize that nutrients work synergistically. This means that there is a cooperative action between certain vitamins and minerals, which work as catalysts, promoting the absorption and assimilation of other vitamins and minerals. Correcting a deficiency in one vitamin or mineral requires the addition of others, not simply replacement of the one in which you are deficient. This is why taking a single vitamin or mineral may be ineffective, or even dangerous, and why a balanced vitamin and mineral preparation should always be taken in addition to any single supplements. This table indicates which vitamins and minerals are necessary to correct certain deficiencies. |
Health and Natural Lifestyles 524-42 Ave. SE Calgary, AB T2G IY6, Canada Phone: (403) 212-6077 Fax: (403) 212-6079 | | | |