The Wayback Machine -

fish taxidermy in 60 days


Fish Taxidermy

Lifetime Replicas

Painted to your Photo

60 Days - Guaranteed

Kids Special


Contact: 931-265-6330


kids special as low as $140



American Fish Taxidermy
Special kids fish taxidermy prices on replica fiberglass fish reproductions or skin mounts delivered in 120 days from your fish photos.

"...a quality fish taxidermy studio that meets delivery promises." Fred McClintock-- Professional Fishing Guide, Outdoor Writer & Inductee Fishing Hall of Fame
Kids Special: That first fish is treated very special. We are a father/son taxidermy studio honoring that special family fishing connection. first fish specials
Special limited time offer on kids fish. Please only one "kids fish special per child".

Limited # Kids Specials ...
at $250

Click here for special offer !!!


limited time offer


Kids Pricing only applies to fish under 25 inches. Offer may expire at any time!

Email us about fish over 25 inches...

striped bass taxidermy

120 day service guaranteed! We know all about kids birthdays and other special days so we work hard to honor delivery dates.

Email us about Kids Birthdays...

fish reproductions or taxidermy

National Taxidermist Association