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Konfabulator Widget

If you are a Macintosh user, you can now get Braingle on your desktop! The Braingle Widget is a plugin for a program called Konfabulator that lets you run all sorts of interesting widgets. Download Konfabulator and then download the Braingle Widget and you'll have a brain teaser on your desktop every day.

Download (148k)

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Online: tsimkin, Boocho, dwfree1, smgreyuk, triagepro, stacynelson03, od-1, jjbeye, mosoh, blondedeath, Araldite, asherz, schaiken, bjharpham, Jaydee, tomd477, kjdmsi, bnkr21, FulanitoGM, AminahASobat, rheeyah12, punkin31, Big_Man, Gerd, corn_fed, whateva_guy, krewegirl, castanz, Injekted, happygrl24, edabbott4417, Puzzler, laurie748, pele, and 206 Guests
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