Diplomats on Campus
Each year, the U.S. Department of State assigns Senior Foreign Service Officers to the position of Diplomat in Residence (DIR) at certain colleges and universities throughout the United States. The DIR program is central to the effort to recruit the best and brightest to represent America's rich diversity to the world.
What Do Diplomats In Residence Do?
Administrative Support
School Selection
Diplomats in Residence for the 2004-2005 Academic Year
What Do Diplomats In Residence Do?
DIRs disseminate information about career opportunities not only at their home universities but throughout the region where they are located; they also
- Identify and counsel diverse candidates for student and career opportunities;
- Guide candidates through the Foreign Service exam application and examination process;
- Represent the Department at conferences and career fairs;
- Support programs sponsored by Foreign Affairs groups;
- Engage in outreach to the military, professional organizations and other local groups.
Administrative Support
The Department of State pays the DIR salary and benefits, and Department of State-related travel expenses. The university gives the DIR a "home" in a department, and provides an office, general administrative support, computer links and tech support and a telephone. The Bureau of Human Resources at the U.S. Department of State administers the program through the placement of officers at host institutions, coordinates with DIRs on local and regional outreach and recruitment activities, and provides logistical and administrative support to the officer.
School Selection
The selection of schools for the program is directly linked to the attainment of the U.S. Department of State's outreach and recruitment objectives. Factors considered in the identification of potential DIR sites include regional diversity, academic curriculum, size and composition of student population, and level of institutional commitment to preparation of students for careers in international relations and public service. An expression of interest from the school should note how the assignment would contribute to the host institution's program and the U.S. Department of State's recruitment goals.
Diplomats in Residence for the 2004-2005 Academic Year
Bill McGlynn
Arizona State University
Department of Political-Science
Box 873902
Room 6765, The Coor Building
Tempe, AZ 85287-3902
TEL: 480-727-7126
FAX: 480-965-3929
E-Mail: william.mcglynn@asu.edu
Clyde Bishop
City College of New York (CCNY)
Room 6/140 A, NAC Building
138th Street and Convent Ave at 138th St.
New York, NY 10031
TEL: 212-650-5243
E-Mail: cbishop@ccny.cuny.edu
Ambassador David Litt
Duke University
Center for International Studies
2204 Erwin Road
Box 90404
Durham, NC 27708
TEL: 919-668-1951
FAX: 919-684-8749
E-Mail: David.Litt@duke.edu
Ambassador Sylvia Stanfield
Florida A&M; University
Office of International Programs & Development
Perry Paige Building, Room 305 North
Tallahassee, Florida 32307
TEL: 850-599-3562
FAX: 850-561-2587
E-Mail: sylvia.stanfield@famu.edu
Mark Boulware
Florida International University
International Relations Department
University Park DM 369A
Miami, FL 33199
TEL: 305-348-7552
E-Mail: boulware@fiu.edu
Ambassador Pamela Bridgewater
Howard University
Ralph Bunche Center
2218 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20059
TEL: 202-806-4363
E-Mail: bridgewaterpe@state.gov
Ambassador Arlene Render
Spelman College
International Affairs Center
350 Spelman Lane, S.W. Box 359
Atlanta, GA 30314
TEL: 404-270-5526
FAX: 404-270-5532
E-Mail: ARender@Spelman.edu
Ambassador Joseph G. Sullivan
Tulane University
Department of Political Science
Norman Mayer Building, Room 308
New Orleans, LA 70118-5698
TEL: 504-862-8310
FAX: 504-862-8745
E-Mail: jsulliv5@tulane.edu
Ambassador Janet A. Sanderson
University of California, Berkeley
Career Center Room 212J
2111 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-4350
TEL: 510-642-8125
FAX: 510-642-6987
E-Mail: caldip@berkeley.edu
Don Terpstra
3250 Public Policy Bldg.
Box 951656
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
TEL: 310-206-2552
FAX: 310-206-0337
E-Mail: terpstra@sppsr.ucla.edu
Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Phillips Hall, Room 204
P.O. Box 160003
Orlando, Florida 32816-0003
TEL: 407-823-3036
FAX: 407-823-0716
E-Mail: hethomas@mail.ucf.edu
Ambassador Larry Napper
University of Houston
Department of Political Science
447 Philip G. Hoffman Hall
Houston, TX 77204-3011
TEL: 713-743-3934
FAX: 713-743-3897
E-Mail: Larry.Napper@mail.uh.edu
Deborah Schwartz
University of Illinois/Chicago
Office of International Affairs
509 University Hall MC 590
601 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607
TEL: 312-996-5455
E-Mail: dschwar@uic.edu
Ambassador Mary Pendleton
University of Memphis
Department of Political Science, CL 421
Memphis, TN 38152
TEL: 901-678-3320
FAX: 901-678-2983
E-Mail: mpendltn@memphis.edu
Ambassador A. Ellen Shippy
University of New Mexico
Career Services, MSC06 3710
Student Services Center, Room 220
Albuquerque, NM 87131-2096
TEL: 505-277-9145
FAX: 505-277-9285
E-Mail: aeshippy@unm.edu
Pamela Corey-Archer
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
566 Hamilton Hall, CB 3195
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3195
TEL: 919-962-3960
FAX: 919-962-1403
E-Mail: diplomat@email.unc.edu
Vlad Sambaiew
University of Oklahoma
International Program Center
339 West Boyd, Room 400
Norman, OK 73072-4805
TEL: 405-325-1396
FAX: 405-325-7454
E-Mail: vsambaiew@ou.edu
Florita Sheppard
University of Texas at Austin
LBJ School of Public Affairs
Sid Richardson Hall 3.325, E2700
2315 Red River
Austin, Texas 78713
TEL: 512-471-7237
FAX: 512-471-1835
E-Mail: sheppard@uts.cc.utexas.edu
* Contact info TBD. Please check this site later for updated contact e-mails and numbers.
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