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Shannon Regional Fisheries BoardShannon Regional Fisheries Board
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The main features of this website are covered under a number of key headings, we hope you find it a useful resource whether it is planning a fishing trip or to educate yourself about the roles, functions and activities of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.

SHANNON REGIONAL FISHERIES BOARD Strategy Statement 2003 - 2006 - Who We Are: The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board is the competent fisheries authority for the inland fisheries and sea angling resource of the Shannon Catchment and much of the Mid-West Region. Included in its area are the River Feale Catchment in North Kerry and the rivers of County Clare flowing westward towards the Atlantic. The Board’s Coastal boundaries stretch from Kerry Head to Hags Head in Co. Clare.

PLAN YOUR OWN FISHING HOLIDAY ONLINE FROM THIS WEBSITE:  If you are planning a fishing trip to Ireland's Shannon Region, you are in the right place. We present and feature extensive fisheries resource information and angling guides for; SALMON/TROUT  COARSE/PIKE, and SEA FISHING. These are accompanied by local angling guide maps, advertised local  ANGLING SERVICES and features a full  ACCOMMODATION FINDER

WHO'S CATCHING WHAT AND WHERE: In addition to Press Releases, we provide a Fisheries and Angling reports and news service. Fishing reports are published online every Wednesday during the main part of the season, fortnightly during off peak times. This features upcoming events, competitions, special announcements and lots more. Anglers are encouraged to contribute to the fishing reports and we welcome good pictures of catches. If you would like to contribute a report or become a regular columnist, please contact Mr Brian Mc Manus, Angling section Tel: 0509 21777 Fax: 0509 21756 or Email:   All reports are archived for your reference.


WE EDUCATE THE YOUNG AND NOT SO YOUNG: The future of Ireland's vital natural resources depends upon an awareness by the public of fisheries environmental and conservation issues. The Board seeks to address this through awareness campaigns and the education of the young in the region


CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT & CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT  PROJECTS: The Shannon Region's rivers, lakes and estuaries are wonderful natural resources that are complex and unique systems. This section details the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board's strategies aimed at ensuring the sustainability of our valuable fisheries resource over the coming years.


BUY YOUR FISHING LICENCE ONLINE: For your convenience, anglers can purchase a salmon fishing licence online which is required to fish for salmon and sea trout in the Shannon region or an all districts licence which covers fisheries in the Republic of Ireland. You can also purchase a ShRFB fishing permit required to fish for trout, coarse fish or pike in any of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board's managed waters such as the  Rivers Suck, Inny, Brosna, Little Brosna, or Camlin Catchments.                                                                                                              MORE >>


We are pleased to report that the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board’s website continues to be a significant source of information whilst also a means of promoting angling tourism in the Shannon Region.  By advertising your Accommodation and/or Angling Service on the site you are actively participating in helping domestic and foreign anglers arrange fishing trips in a quick and simple way.  Many angling product  providers who are currently advertised directly contribute to our angling reports and news column every week. This adds significant added exposure for your business due to the extensive readership the column attracts and thus serves in maintaining a useful marketing facility also bearing in mind that : 

  • Advertisements are linked to the dedicated Accommodation and/or Services finder sections.

  • Advertisements are linked to ‘fishing guides’ sections at a local level.

  • Fishing report highlights are emailed to over 1,500 website visitors who opted in to receive our reports.



Your feedback is important to us. We would appreciate if you would take a little time to complete and submit our  ONLINE FEEDBACK FORM If we don't hear from you we assume the site satisfies your information needs. Thank you.



Information and updates on this site are drawn from many sources. We cannot thank everybody personally but  are indebted and grateful to all those who have and continue to support and assist us in this endeavour, especially in the compilation of our fishing guides and contributors to our fishing report sections.


© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308