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Student Website Competition

State Department Announces "Doors to Diplomacy" 2005 Website Competition for Middle School and High School Students

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Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC

The U.S. Department of State, along with the Global SchoolNet Foundation, is pleased to announce the 2005 "Doors to Diplomacy" Award competition. This educational award will recognize the student-created Global SchoolNet Web project that best teaches others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy.

Students work in small teams with teacher-coaches. Each student member of the team who wins the "Doors to Diplomacy" receives a $2,000 scholarship, and the winning coaches' schools each receive a $500 cash award. The State Department also sponsors a trip to Washington, DC, where the winners receive a private tour of the State Department facilities, meet with key officials, and participate in a special award presentation ceremony.

Winners will be announced in spring 2005.

For a project description and information on eligibility and judging criteria, visit

For more information, contact:

Yvonne Marie Andres
Global SchoolNet
Telephone: 760-635-0001


Janice Clark
U.S. Department of State
Telephone: 703-875-5086

Read about the 2004 Doors to Diplomacy contest winners.

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