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Donate to the cause!

This is in response to those of you who keep telling us we should charge for the information in this site, which incidentally took 7 years to collect.

If you are a heavy user and feel the need to give back, the best way to say thanks is to visit our store and purchase our products.

If you are strapped for cash, here are some free ways to donate to the site:

  1. Call your local library to see if they have a copy of our book, Good Credit is Sexy, author Kristy Welsh, publisher Techartist Publishing. For every 5 calls they get, they will order a copy of the book.
  2. Write us a letter of endorsement/recommendation and give us permission to publish it. Right now, we're collecting endorsements for the next edition of our book. We'll also be putting a list on this site. You can download the form here.
  3. Believe us, sometimes we need a lift. If you want to send us a thank you card or letter of encouragement, our mailing address is:

    Web Nation
    7904 E. Chaparral Rd.
    Suite 110-604
    Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Do you have a question we haven't answered? Call us!   E-mail us! or Buy the Book!
Document last modified Friday, 13-Aug-2004 18:40:20 EDT