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Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Intervention

Drug Rehab Center
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center: Giodano and Goldfarb

Alcohol Rehab


Dual Diagnosis Treatment and The Intervention Process

Intervention and Dual Diagnosis Treatment:

The Intervention Process: An intervention is a proven way to get the suffering individual into the recovery process. Done correctly, the individual is shown the impact of the behavior on themselves and the people around them. This effective method of helping people to realize they have a problem and should act has been successful in getting patients into treatment programs in a caring and professional manner.


Addiction and Depression: Depression is a serious illness affecting millions each year. Some of the symptoms may include: low self-esteem, poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or increased sleeping, difficulty with concentrating or making decisions, despair or feelings of hopelessness, and fatigue or low energy levels.

The Holistic Addiction Treatment Program has been able to help people who have both a Chemical Dependency and Depression. Our staff is fully trained and experienced with addressing both issues and helping people cope with the effects of abstinence from substance abuse while dealing with a depressive condition. The Holistic Addiction Treatment Program has had a high success rate in dealing with Bi-Polar Mood Disorder, which affects millions of Americans. Common symptoms are manic or drastic swings in disposition, noted as a variation of clinical depression.

Bi-Polar Disorder: The Program will assist to successfully address chemical dependency and bi-polar disorder in adults and adolescents. Our friendly and professional staff of doctors and therapists are fully trained to help individuals work with issues involving substance abuse and bi-polar disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is one of the family of anxiety disorders, it is a potentially debilitating condition. Depression, bi-polar mood disorder and other behavioral health issues are quite common in the field of addiction medicine.

Dual Diagnosis: Many patients have Dual Diagnosis, meaning they have both a substance abuse issue and an additional diagnosis such as bi-polar (depression), anxiety, personality, or mood disorder. Patients who are chemically dependent and obsessive compulsive receive dual diagnosis treatment for both issues together. Our staff of experienced professionals utilize medical, clinical, holistic and therapeutic methodologies to help the individual obtain long term abstinence from substance abuse as well as coping mechanisms to deal with their dual diagnosis. Click here to read more about Bi-Polar Disorder.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center: Giodano and GoldfarbHolistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

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