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marine sea life jewelry

Seawear marine jewelry index


Marine sea life jewelry sea creatures and mammals of all the oceans. Smiling dolphins, splashing whale flukes, sand dollar legends, gentle giant manatee, delicious Maine lobster and blue crab, sport fish and tropical fish, lovable sea turtles and the infamous sharks! They are all here, and if there is something else you want, write us and tell us.

Alligators & Airboats - artist created alligators, Florida 'gators, airboats and swamp boats
Blue marlin - blue marlin jewelry, custom 18kt 3D with diamond trophies, triple marlin rings, small 3D charms
Bracelets - crabs, sand dollars, diamond and gold shackles, dolphins, seahorses
Cats - for all those that have live aboard sea cats & kittens!
Chains - white and yellow 14kt rope chains, wheat and baguette links, anklets, mariners links
Crabs - fresh Chesapeake Bay crabs, blues, stone, king crab earrings, bracelets
Divers- dive pendants, spear gun divers, 3-D divers, vertical and horizontal divers
Dive gear- two tone gold tanks, fins, mask & snorkel, hard hats, dive ring is done!
Dolphins -laughing dolphins,smiling baby dolphins,puffed earrings, bracelet, tri color
Dolphin II - earrings and bracelets in white and yellow gold
Dolphin rings - porpoise and dolphin wedding bands and everyday rings
Earrings - sea creatures of shells,sand dollars,starfish,turtles & dolphin
Fishing - sailfish, swordfish, marlin, tuna, Mahi Mahi, lion, angel, sailfish tie tack, bull nose
Fishing gear- fishing rod, fishing reel, solid gold fish hook!
Grand slam - fishing rings, triple tuna, triple marlin, fresh water slam, triple fish of your choice!
Hawaii - dream honeymoons, sport fishing, leis, aloha, luau's, we all want to go!
Lobsters - Spiny Keys bugs or great clawed Maine Lobster! & earrings
Manatee - mother manatee,baby manatee or manatee family
Octopus - slithering Octopi ready to wrap around your neck! 
Pink conch - those delightful Key West conchs in earrings, charms, pendants and bracelets
Reef fish - delightful tropicals and reef dancers!
Sand dollars - legendary sand dollars,sea biscuits,charms, earrings,bracelet
Seabirds - gulls,Gannett,great heron,resting or flying pelicans for the pelican man!
Seahorses - strange fascinating in their own way & adorable, male, female
Seals - a turning swimming seal and a grumpy walrus with tusks
Sharks - giant shark teeth,hammerheads,great whites,sand,tail roped shark, tigers & Jaws! 
Sharks Teeth - all sorts of 14kt gold teeth, dusky, great white, mako
Shells - nautilus,triton,scallop,spiral and sundials earrings, charms, bracelets, enamel pink conch shells
Starfish - everyone loves a starfish,young to old, earrings, charms & bracelets
Stingrays - manta rays,stingrays,skates and great horned rays
Turtles - nesting sea turtles, endangered hatching sea turtles, teak shell turtle, earrings, turtle wedding ring
Whales - humpbacks, gray whales, orca killer whales, beluga whale charms and pendants 
Whale tails - whale tail cross, ancient maori designs, 3D whale tails in all shapes and sizes


Customer Comments! - emails & letters from some of you!
Gold Facts - a little lesson on gold, content, alloys and weights, ring size conversions
Order info - ordering instructions. Most orders shipped in 24 hours
Order form - simple, print it out, mail it in or fax it! If you are in a hurry just call
Links - Other sites we have found and recommend


Nautical jewelry index - water sports, boating, sailing, anchors, mermaids, pirates, shackles, cufflinks

Celtic jewellery index - Claddagh rings, Celtic Crosses, Keltic wedding rings, Gaelic traditions

Fine jewelry index - golfing, real estate, hospitality, pineapple, biker chain, cats, horses, airplanes, cufflinks, chain necklaces, bracelets, earrings, wedding rings


sea life marine jewelry Email - click here with any questions!