1st Choice Press |
IN THE NEWS: Forbes.com Best of the Web |
Thursday, April 10, 2003 |
1st Choice Vacation Rentals Receives Forbes.com's Best of the Web Award
Forbes.com, one of the most trusted resources for business & investment leaders, influences 3.4 million people each month with their informative website and website reviews. In the Spring 2003 edition of the Best of the Web(BOW) awards, 1st Choice Vacation Rentals (www.choice1.com) was the only North America based vacation rental directory to be selected as a Best of the Web Pick by Forbes.com. Sited for "Something for everyone, from a mountain cabin by a salmon-spawning creek north of Vancouver, B.C. to a bamboo/hardwood hacienda in the Costa Rican rainforest to a McMansion ten minutes from Disney" Forbes.com praises 1st Choice for the inclusion of availability calendars on each page, and our search ability by activity (like golf, ski or scuba) or destination.
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