Ban on employer-promotion of pensions lifted
Management Consultancy, UK - And he said he would ease the regulation of Open Ended Investment Companies 'to enable them to compete on a more even basis with authorised unit trusts'. What are you saying?
The Lawyer, UK - A statutory requirement is being imposed under the regime designed for savings and investment products (such as life insurance, pensions, unit trusts and shares FEATURE-Unit trust fan targets health care investors
Reuters AlertNet, UK - Although Katz failed in his attempt to offer Berkshire unit trusts, he never gave up on the idea of affordable investment vehicles. Questions of cash
ic Liverpool, UK - FIVE years ago I invested £10,000 in unit trusts for my grandson. They were a disaster, so I cashed them in. Now he is six years Radical plan for investment trust regulation
Financial Times, UK - companies were not fully regulated by the FSA and did not have the same consumer protection as other collective investment schemes, such as unit trusts. |