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December 7, 2004
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Editorial Policy
  March of Dimes Editorial Policy

The March of Dimes presence on the Web reflects our long-standing commitment to provide information and education to the general public and to health professionals and researchers. This site is produced by a team that includes Web content producers, writers, editors, multimedia and graphics producers, interactive developers, health educators, nurses and doctors. March of Dimes Office of the Medical Director and\or outside experts review all clinical information presented on the site. All clinical material is based upon scientific research and the collective experience of practicing physicians and other health care providers. The March of Dimes regularly reviews all material to ensure that it is accurate, appropriate, and in accord with the leading relevant health professional organizations.

The information contained on is not intended nor is it implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is it intended to be medical diagnosis or treatment. The service is presented for the sole purpose of disseminating health information. It is not intended and must not be taken to be the provision or practice of medical, nursing or professional health care advice or services in any jurisdiction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before starting or stopping any treatment or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.

The information about drugs contained on this site is general in nature and is intended for use as an educational aid. It does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side effects, or interactions of these medicines, nor is the information intended as medical advice for individual problems or for making an evaluation as to the risks and benefits of taking a particular drug.

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