An exclusive service to our constituents. Get the most up to date OSAC perspectives on global security trends and issues.
OSAC Activity Report - November 2004
OSAC presents a summary of its monthly activity, including records of constituent interaction, analyst travel and security trends.
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OSAC Activity Report - 2004 Annual Briefing
This report is a year-to-date assessment of OSAC consultations, threats and Country Council activity compiled for OSAC 19th Annual Briefing, held on November 17.
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OSAC Activity Report
OSAC presents a summary of its monthly activity, including records of constituent interaction, analyst travel and security trends.
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OSAC Activity Report: September 2004
OSAC continues to increase its running monthly average in consultations, averaging more than 250
consultations per month.
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September Iraq Update
Despite the resolution to the standoff between Moqtada al-Sadr and Coalition forces at the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf in
August, a high level of conflict persists between insurgents and Coalition forces in Iraq. The violence has
spread throughout the country, with Baghdad, northern Iraq, and the so-called Sunni Triangle all experiencing
notable increases in attacks. Kidnapping remains one of the chief concerns for foreigners in Iraq, and signs
point to an increase in the involvement of organized crime groups in abductions. Additionally, many analysts
and media officials are beginning to warn of the potential for an increase in attacks against Westerners,
police, and Iraqi government officials in the lead-up to January elections.
Click here to find out more.
Hurricane Ivan
According to various press reports, it is now estimated that the hurricane has killed at least 65 people. The Pan American Health Organization states 37 people have died in Grenada and 19 in Jamaica. The US National Hurricane Center expects Ivan to move north into the "panhandle" region of Florida and neighboring states. As it moved northwest across the Caribbean, Ivan sometimes reached category 5, the top of the scale.
Click here to find out more.
Anti-War Coalition
The Anti-War Coalition (AWC) is a group of South African activists working as the voice of a significant
portion of the country's population who do not support the US war in Iraq. This Hot Topic examines the motives
behind AWC as well as their modus operandi and gives sources for further research into their organization.
Click here to find out more.
August Iraq Update
Iraq Update is designed to give OSAC constituents and associates an overview of major trends and security issues in Iraq.
The August issue addresses the recent upsurge in attacks, the increased use of kidnapping by insurgent groups, the the
importance of Najaf's Shrine of Imam Ali, and upcoming events and key dates.
Click here to find out more.
August Hotel Bombings
Turkish separatists are believed to be responsible for four bombings that were conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, on August 10.
Turkish law enforcement officials have not determined who is responsible for the incident. However, the bombings reiterate
that indigenous terrorist groups in Turkey continue to target U.S., Western, and Turkish interests. The incident demonstrates
that groups such as the DHKP/C, PKK/KADEK/Kongra-Gel, IDBA-C, and others will continue to target Turkish officials and
various civilian venues such as hotels and fast food restaurants to make political statements, particularly in Istanbul and
other urban areas of Turkey.
Click here to find out more.
OSAC Activity Report: July 2004
This month, South & Central Asia was the most active RISC region. The region registered 50 constituent consultations - 19% of the RISC total.
However, no one region was the clear leader in RISC activity, as five of the seven regions reported between 40 and 50 consultations. This is
indicative of a month where no major incidents dominated the world's attention as those in the Middle East had during the past several months.
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OSAC Activity Report: Mid-Year 2004
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 1,709 consultations in the first half of 2004, a 52% increase from the
same period in 2003. Following a spike in March, RISC figures for the half have continued to show the strong, steady growth that
has been exhibited for nearly a year. From January to April, RISC logged four consecutive months with more than 250 constituent
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OSAC Activity Report: June 2004
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 247 consultations for the month of June. This number represents a
15% increase from May figures, as well as the seventh consecutive month with more than 200 consultations.
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Businesspersons Targeted for Kidnappings in Larkana, Sukkur, Shikarpur and Jacobabad, Pakistan
In June 2004, the security director for an OSAC constituent company reported a series of kidnappings he had noted in
Pakistan. The information he passed to OSAC was corroborated by two separate sources.
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Afghanistan and Elections: Security Ramifications for U.S. Businesses and NGOs
The threat of general insecurity in Afganistan, particularly outside of Kabul, the slow pace of voter registration, and the
threat--on the rise lately--of attacks on voters and election workers from the anti-recontruction forces are all jeopardizing
Afganistan's chance for free and fair elections, currently scheduled for September.
This report is intended to highlight the background of Afgan elections, the particular, security-related issues they face,
and the threat remifications for U.S. businesses and NGOs operating in the country.
Click here to find out more.
Targeted Kidnappings/Assassinations in Saudi Arabia: Events, Trends and Security Recommendations
In just over three weeks in Saudi Arabia, there were three targeted assassinations, one attempted assassination and one kidnapping – which resulted in the beheading of the victim five days later – against Westerners
American companies in the Kingdom are now even more concerned about how to protect their operations in an environment of increasing attacks against soft targets.
This report will list the latest events, identify trends, and offer some guidelines to American companies per the State Department’s latest Warden Messages and Travel Warnings.
Click here to find out more.
The Transition to Sovereignty in Iraq
On June 28, 2004, a new Iraqi transitional administration assumed power in Iraq. With this transition, the Coalition Provisional Authority was officially dissolved, and the new government became the sole, sovereign governing power in Iraq.
This transition period, however, is predicted to be a difficult one. The risk of kidnappings, targeted assassinations, convoy and vehicle attacks, bombings, and other violence will likely remain very high.
This report summarizes the security situation in Iraq, focusing on five particular types of attacks. It also outlines some of the deadliest incidents of the last six months, the post-transition Department of State and OSAC presence in Iraq, and the structure of and key dates for the new Iraqi government.
Click here to find out more.
Shift toward Small-Scale Attacks in Saudi Arabia
In the past month, the threat level in Saudi Arabia has continued its increase, with the attack on the al-Khobar compounds,
several targeted assassinations of Westerners and/or non-Muslims, and the kidnapping of an American employee of Lockheed
Martin (the first kidnapping of a Westerner in Saudi Arabia). Just in the past week, four violent attacks against Westerners
left three dead.
This report lists the recent attacks, highlighting modus operandi and trends, and then lists some guidelines for personal
security based on recent Consular Affairs Travel Warnings and Warden Messages.
Click here to find out more.
OSAC Information Sharing Survey Analysis
This report focuses on ways to fulfill the need for an the sharing of information regime between the American public and
private sectors, looking at the needs of both parties as well as current practices. The proposed regime looks to fulfill
the current and growing information needs of both the public and private sectors, with the goal of implementing a system
that is both more accessible and more informative than that currently in place.
Click here to find out more.
OSAC Activity Report: April 2004
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 278 consultations for the month of April, 26% above the current running 12-month RISC average. April also marked RISC’s fourth consecutive month registering more than 250 constituent consultations.
Click here to find out more.
Terrorists’ Tactics – The Shift to Softer Targets Continues
In nearly a year since OSAC last addressed a noticeable shift by terrorists in the direction of softer targets, nearly all the
major terrorist attacks that have taken place were directed at facilities we would characterize as relatively soft. As we consider
the recent series of attacks on soft targets and attempt to anticipate where terrorists might strike next, we are concerned that a
number of our constituents may fall into the category of soft targets.
Click here to find out more.
OSAC Activity Report: March 2004
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 418 consultations for the month of March, an amazing 49% increase in activity from February. For the third consecutive month RISC reports a record high in constituent consultations.
Click here to find out more.
Iraq Kidnapping Report
OSAC is closely monitoring the recent kidnappings of private citizens working and residing in
Iraq. Although too early to identify specific trends, it is clear that some Iraqi insurgents
are using...
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Sri Lankan Elections: Where to From Here?
Sri Lanka's parliamentary elections last week raised more questions than they answered. After
two and a half years of cohabitation, the President called these early elections to...
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Madrid Bombing
On 11 March 2004, 10 explosive devices were detonated between 0730 and 0745 local time at three train stations in Madrid, Spain killing 199 people and wounding more than 1,450 other commuters. The first explosives, a total of three, detonated at 0739 on a commuter train that had already arrived at the Madrid Atocha Train station...
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Automated Teller Machine Scams
The Overseas Security Advisory Council, courtesy of the Regional Security Office in London, would like to take this opportunity to review the various methods criminals are using at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs).
Click here to find out more.
Missionary Attacks in Europe
OSAC notes that there have been a significant number of incidents against representatives of religious organizations within the past two months in Europe. Out of the incidents reported, there were attacks of intimidation, physical assault, sexual assault, and vandalism.
Click here to find out.
RISC 2003 Activity Summary
RISC reported 2161 consulatations with constituent organizations and 217 threats (both actual incidents and potential threats) to American interests abroad in 2003.
Click here to find out.
Increase in violence toward missionaries Since the beginning of the holiday season OSAC has been monitoring an increase in violence directed toward representatives of religious organizations operating in Sub-Saharan Africa. Click here to find out.
Snapshot of Business and Legal Challenges in Russia. American companies have come to face obstacles when entering into business in Russia, especially where legalities are concerned. The following provides a synopsis of the current situation and some general tips. Click here to find out.
Want to know of potential significant events that could affect your travel or safety abroad? Look here for all the information you need to make the best decision. |
December 17, 2004.
MOZAMBIQUE. Election Results Announced Definitive results from the 1 and 2 December Presidential Elections will be announced by this date.
December 20, 2004.
MALAYSIA. Legislative Elections The National Front [Barisan Nasional-BN] will attempt to maintain its coalition and dominance of Malaysia in the face of electoral challenges by PAS [Pan Malaysian Islamic Party].
January 6, 2005.
MAURITIUS. UN Conference on Small Island States Some 40 Heads of State and government as well as the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan are expected to attend a UN conference on Small Island States slated for 6-14 January 2005 in Mauritius.
A UN evaluation team headed by Annan's representative Om Pradhan is in Mauritius to assess preparations for the conference, also expected to be attended by about 30 NGOs.
According to Pradhan, Annan's presence at the conference would underscore the importance attached to the meeting by the UN.
Suresh Seebaluck, a senior Mauritian official said the conference would review the action program adopted in Barbados, April 1994.
"The objective of the program is to prop development in small island States, bearing in mind their characteristics, the challenges they face and to propose measures toward sustainable development," Seebaluck added.
Among other topics, the meeting will also discuss security issues.
February 10, 2005.
SAUDI ARABIA. Municipal Elections Begin Municipal Elections begin Feb. 10 in the capital, Riyadh. Voting in the eastern and southwestern regions will start March 3, and voters in north and central regions, including the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, will go to the polls April 21.
March 3, 2005.
SAUDI ARABIA. Municipal Elections Begin in East and Southwest Voting in municipal elections in the eastern and southwestern regions will start March 3, and voters in north and central regions, including the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, will go to the polls April 21.
April 21, 2005.
SAUDI ARABIA. Municipal Elections Begin in North and Central Regions Voters in north and central regions, including the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, will go to the polls April 21.
Consular Affairs Information