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Welcome to the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board  Online Shopping

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Fishing Licences Online

For your convenience, anglers can purchase a salmon fishing licence online which is required to fish for salmon and sea trout in the Shannon region or an all districts licence which covers fisheries in the Republic of Ireland. You can also purchase a ShRFB fishing permit required to fish for trout, coarse fish or pike in any of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board's managed waters such as the  Rivers Suck, Inny, Brosna, Little Brosna, or Camlin Catchments.

Coarse Angling Guide to the Royal & Grand Canals of Ireland

COARSE ANGLING GUIDE TO THE ROYAL & GRAND CANALS is an excellent publication produced by Dúchas The Heritage Service and the Central Fisheries Board

1998. PRICE (€6.35).  Available from the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2 or by post from Waterways Ireland, Floor 2, Block C, Ashtowngate, Navan Road, Dublin 15.   Telephone (01) 677 7510 




© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308.