|  |  |  | Wednesday, December 8, 2004 |
| 56th Anniversary of the Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Secretary Powell (Dec. 8): "In honor of this important event, President George W. Bush has officially declared the week of December 10-17, 2004, to be Human Rights Week and December 10, 2004, to be Human Rights Day ... Today, millions of people across the globe are denied basic human rights, and so on every continent we make important immediate and long-term investments in democracy and human rights ... Our fight for human rights will continue so long as tyrannical regimes infringe upon the freedom of citizens. [full text]
Ukraine Elections Secretary Powell (Dec. 7): "What we have seen in recent weeks is the international community coming together to support democracy. Democracy means free, fair, open elections that are untainted, and that's what the Ukrainians deserve and that's what they are going to get, we hope, by the end of the month." [full text]
Travel to Europe and Morocco Secretary Powell is traveling to Europe for multilateral and bilateral consultations. In Morocco, he will co-chair the first meeting of the "Forum for the Future."
Iraqi Elections Deputy Secretary Armitage (Dec. 6): "We were all thrilled to hear President Al-Yawar express the hopes and aspirations of the Iraqi people, and the firm determination to have elections on the 30th of January." [full text]
Forum for the Future The inaugural "Forum for the Future" meeting will take place on December 11, 2004, in Rabat, Morocco. Secretary Powell will join Foreign and Finance Ministers from BMENA (Broader Middle East and North Africa) and G-8 countries at the event. The meeting will also include business and civil society representatives.
Afghanistan: Building a Free, New Society Hamid Karzai, the first democratically elected President in Afghanistan’s history, was inaugurated on December 7, 2004. Fact sheet describes Afghanistan's progress in democracy, education, health, infrastructure, economic growth, and security and stability.
|  |  |  |  | A new Fact Sheet summarizes U.S. efforts to combat gender-based violence in countries around the world.
Assistant Secretary Bloomfield explains the importance of U.S.-Japan Critical Infrastructure protection cooperation, and Policy Planning Staff Director Reiss describes the U.S.-Japan common vision.
|  | The State Department has sponsored a new book promoting international opportunities for people with disabilities: "Survival Strategies for Going Abroad: A Guide for People with Disabilities."
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