- American Fact Finder – Browse, search and map data from many Census Bureau sources, including the 2000 Census, the 1997 Economic Census, and the American Community Survey.
- Census Data for Federal, State and Local Governments – Data on government employment, finance, tax revenue, expenditures and more.
- Census of Governments, 2002 – Census taken every five years of federal, state, and local U.S. government, including counties, municipalities, townships, and school districts.
- Community 2020 Software – Easy-to-use software for organizations and governments to design their own community development projects.
- County and City Factbook – 2000 Census data about people, businesses, taxes, federal government spending and health for all U.S. counties and major cities.
- Economic Data by State and Metropolitan Area – View a region, state or metropolitan area economy at a glance by clicking on a map of the U.S.
- Employment and Unemployment, by State – Demographic information about the labor force, employment and unemployment in each state and the District of Columbia.
- Facts for You – Find federal statistics, reports and other government information you can use...much of it at the state and community level.
- FedStats - Gateway to Federal Statistical Information – - Access data from more than 100 agencies, organized by topic and geographic area.
- Minimum Wage Laws by State – Minimum wage and overtime pay standards, by state, for non-supervisory, non-farm, private sector employees.
- State and County Quick Facts – The U.S. Census Bureau provides frequently requested census information at the national, state and county level.
- State Exports to Countries and Regions – The U.S. Department of Commerce links to export data for a number of major U.S. export markets.
- State of the Cities – View the annual State of the Cities reports from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- State Transportation Profiles – Reports and data about each state's infrastructure, safety, freight and passenger travel, vehicles and more.