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U.S. Department of State

Travel to Europe and Morocco

December 6, 2004 to December 11, 2004

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Colin L. Powell

   Picture of Secretary of State Colin Powell   


Secretary Powell is traveling to Europe for multilateral and bilateral consultations. He departed Washington December 6 and will return on December 11.

Secretary Powell With President Georgi Parvanov of BulgariaThe Secretary traveled first to Sofia, Bulgaria, for an OSCE meeting. In Brussels, Belgium he is attending meetings of the North Atlantic Council, the NATO-Russia Council, and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. He will also address an audience at the German-Marshall Fund’s Transatlantic Center and hold bilateral meetings on the margins of his trip.

At The Hague, The Netherlands the Secretary will attend the U.S.-European Union ministerial. In Rabat, Morocco he will co-chair the first meeting of the Forum for the Future, including sessions on Democracy, Participation, and Opportunity, and on Business and Civil Society Dialogue.

Photo Gallery: Bulgaria

Remarks by Secretary Powell
2004/12/08: Interview with Fox News 
2004/12/08: Interview with EuroNews TV
2004/12/08: Statement on Human Rights Week
2004/12/07: Remarks at Bulgarian Youth Town Hall
2004/12/07: Remarks With Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanov
2004/12/07: Interview on Bulgarian TV
2004/12/07: Remarks with Bulgarian Foreign Minister
2004/12/07: Remarks to the Ministerial Meeting of OSCE
2004/12/06: Remarks at Stakeout Upon Arrival in Sofia

Related Information
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
European Union

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