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Bifocal Contact Lenses

These contact lenses are designed for those who need separate prescriptions for reading or long distance viewing in the same lens. These are also known as "multifocal" lenses.

Click Below for details and the Internet's best pricing
Acuvue Bifocals
Focus Dailies Progressives (30 pack)
LifeStyle Multifocal GP
Occasions Multifocal
SofLens Multi-Focal

1-Day Acuvue
Acuvue 2
Acuvue Bifocals
Acuvue Toric
Biomedics 38
Biomedics 55
Focus 1-2 Week
Focus 1-2 Week (Softcolors)
Focus Dailies 90 pak
Focus Monthly
Focus Toric
Optima FW
Proclear Compatibles
Softlens 66 Toric
Novelty Lenses

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$30 Acuvue Brand Rebate!
Request a $30 rebate when you order a year's supply of Acuvue, Acuvue 2, Acuvue Bifocal, Acuvue Toric or 1-Day Acuvue contact lenses. Click Here for details and restrictions.

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