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International Buyer Program

Looking to meet face-to-face and partner with international buyers?

The U.S. Commercial Service's International Buyer Program brings thousands of international buyers each year to meet with U.S. companies at major trade shows in the United States. Take advantage of these excellent business opportunities to meet with potential sales representatives and strategic partners at major trade events without ever leaving the country.

Upcoming Events | Visiting Buyer Delegations by Show | 2006 Application Package

Each year the U.S. Commercial Service selects and promotes 28 trade shows representing leading industrial sectors:

  • Information Technology
  • Environmental Products and Services
  • Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Food Processing and Service
  • Packaging
  • Building and Construction Products
  • Sporting Goods
  • Consumer Products

More than 125,000 qualified foreign buyers, prospective sales representatives, and potential business partners attend these shows, giving your company excellent opportunities to meet, network, and develop business partnerships with international buyers, sales representatives, and strategic partners.

As a U.S. exhibitor at an International Buyer Program event, you will receive many valuable free benefits:

  • Meet with qualified foreign buyers, representatives, and distributors from all over the world, selected by U.S. Commercial Specialists staff from our offices in more than 150 cities overseas
  • Worldwide promotion of your products and services through the Export Interest Directory, published by the show organizers and distributed to all international visitors attending the show
  • Access to hundreds of current international trade leads in your industry
  • Hands-on export counseling, marketing analysis, and matchmaking services by country and industry experts from the U.S. Commercial Service
  • Use of an on-site International Business Center, where your company can meet privately with prospective international buyers, prospective sales representatives, and business partners and obtain assistance from our experienced U.S. Commercial Service staff.