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NOAA Recognizes City Of Hampton, Va., "StormReady"

StormReady LogoOfficials from NOAA's National Weather Service recognized the City of Hampton Va., as a leader in Virginia by naming it among the agency's "StormReady" communities today.
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NOAA Wraps-Up Very Active 2004 Atlantic Hurricane Season

Texas Experiences Wettest November On Record

The 2004 Atlantic hurricane season was one for the record books. Nine named storms affected the United States during the six-month hurricane season - three as tropical storms and six as hurricanes, including three major hurricanes. November has now taken its place in the record books as the wettest November in Texas since comprehensive record keeping began in 1895 -- and 2004 may also turn out to be the state’s wettest year.
Features and Resources
Proposed Track Maps Winter Awareness Week
Comments are welcome on the current and proposed track maps produced by the National Hurricane Center during tropical storms and hurricanes. Changes likely will appear during the 2005 season. NWS Forecast Offices in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia are reminding residents of the hazards of the winter season.
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 Page last modified: 08-Dec-2004 9:43 AM