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Articles & Tutorials

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Welcome to the Articles & Tutorials section, a valuable resource for learning about different aspects of having an online presence. To begin, please make a selection from the menu and start learning.

Recent Articles on Site Building

» Open Links in a New Window ( Javascript )
Here is a valid way to open links in a new window using JavaScript. This is easy to use and customize.

» Bookmark This Page! ( Javascript )
Here is a simple JavaScript that will let your visitors bookmark your website! This script is compatible with Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Firefox browsers.

» Document Types ( HTML )
Not many Webmasters know the importance of proper DOCTYPE Declarations, nor do they even know what they are! So what is this 'DOCTYPE'? We'll take a look at what they are in this article.

» Replacing The Font Tag ( HTML )
Although it is widely used, the font tag is deprecated. If you catch yourself using a <font> tag, you should read this article and make sure that your website is up to date!

» Color Codes ( HTML )
#00ff00? What does that mean? Well, it's a color code! In this article, we'll take a look at color codes and how you can use them.

» Horizontal Rules ( HTML )
Have you ever spent a long amount of time coding to create a line or a divider for some text? Well, why would you spend a long time doing that when HTML has an element for you to use? This article will show you how to apply a horizontal rule (aka a divider) to your website quickly and easily.

» The Body Tag; Deprecated Attributes ( CSS )
A lot of the websites you see out there have a lot of attributes in their BODY tag, but how many of those attributes are actually valid; bgcolor; alink; link.. How about none of the above?

» Styling Lists ( CSS )
You may have already read our article on 'Understanding and Using Lists', but how do you make them more pleasing to look at? This article will step you through the process of adding simple styles to your lists using CSS.

» Understanding and Using Lists ( HTML )
This tutorial will guide you through the use of HTML Lists. We will touch base on the difference between ordered and unordered lists and show you the available styles you can use within your list. We will also talk about effective usages of lists.

» Audio Links and Images ( Javascript )
Here is an easy way to add some fun interactivity to your page using sounds that play when your visiotrs mouse over various different items on your page.

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