AAEI: American Association of Exporters & Importers < http://www.aaei.org > AAP: Association of American Publishers < http://www.publishers.org > ABA: American Bar Association < http://www.abanet.org > ACI: Airports Council International-North America < http://www.aci-na.org > ACICIP: Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy
- State/EB/CIP private sector advisory committee for strategic planning)
- Working Groups:
- Market Access: Developing Country Development
- Antitrust and Competition Policy
- Intellectual Property, Interoperability and Standards
- Security and Export Controls
- Privacy and Consumer Concerns
- Internet: Content, Taxation, and Miscellaneous
- Governance: U.S. and Internet Structure
ACIEP: Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy
- (State/EB advisory group on broad economic issues)
- GIE WG Global Information Economy Working Group
ACTPN: Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations
- (USTR advisory committee)
ACTS: American Council for Trade in Services http://acts-talks.com
AGB: Alliance for Global Business; information on
AIM: Association for Interactive Media < http://www.interactivehq.org > AIP: Association of Interactive Professionals < http://www.association.org > ALTS: Association of Local Telecommunications Services http://www.alts.org APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum < http://www.apecsec.org.sg / >
- APEC Tel: APEC Telecommunications Working Group
- ABACAPEC: Business Advisory Committee
- BMC Budget and Management Committee
- CTI Committee on Trade and Investment
- HRD Human Resources Development
- IMC Interactive Medical Curriculum
- IST Industrial Science and Technology
- SOM Senior Officials' Meeting
- TEL Telecommunications Working Group
- ICAIS International Charging Arrangements for Internet Services
- National Center for APEC < http://www.ncapec.org >
APT: Asia-Pacific Telecommunity < http://www.aptsec.org > ASCENT Association of Communications Enterprises < http://www.ascent.org > ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations < http://www.asean.or.id > ASEAN Institut < http://www.w-internet.com/verein/asean/engl.htm > Aspen Institute, The: http://www.aspeninst.org Communications and Society Program < http://www.aspeninst.org/c&s/default.asp > Asia Society: < http://www.asiasociety.org > ASIL: American Society of International Law < http://www.asil.org > BAFT: Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade, < http://www.baft.org/ > BCIU: Business Counsel for International Understanding < http://www.bciu.org/ > BISNIS: Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States,
· U.S. Department of Commerce < http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/ >
Brookings Institution: < http://www.brook.edu/ > BRT: The Business Roundtable < http://www.brtable.org/ > BSA: Business Software Alliance < http://www.bsa.org/ > CCIA: Computer & Communications Industry Association < http://www.ccianet.org/ > CDG: CDMA Development Group < http://www.cdg.org/ > CEA: Consumer Electronics Association < http://www.ce.org > CEIP: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace < http://www.ceip.org/ >
· Study Group on the Information Revolution and World Politics < http://www.ceip.org/programs/info/study.htm >
CEPT: European Conference on Postal and Telecommunications Administrations < http://www.cept.org/ > CIA: Central Intelligence Agency Electronic Document Release Center http://www.foia.ucia.gov CIP: Center for Information Policy at the University of Maryland < http://cip.umd.edu/ > CITEL: Inter-American Telecommunication Commission http://www.citel.oas.org
· COM/CITEL Executive Committee
· PCC I Public Telecommunications Services
· PCC II Broadcasting
· PCC III Radiocommunications
· JWG Joint Working Group on Legal & Administrative Matters
CITI: Columbia Institute for Tele-Information < http://www.citi.columbia.edu > C/LAA: Caribbean/Latin American Action < http://www.claa.org/ > COE: Council of Europe < http://www.coe.fr/ > CommerceNet: < http://www.commercenet.com/ > CompTel: Competitive Telecommunications Association < http://www.comptel.org/ > CompTIA: < http://www.comptia.org/ > CSI: Coalition of Services Industries < http://www.uscsi.org/ > CSIS: Center for Strategic and International Studies < http://www.csis.org/ > CSPP: Computer Systems Policy Project < http://www.cspp.org/ > CSTP: Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Academy of Science < http://www4.nationalacademies.org/cpsma/cstb.nsf > CTIA: Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association < http://www.wow-com.com/ > CWT: Consumers for World Trade < http://www.cwt.org/ > DCBar: The District of Columbia Bar < http://www.dcbar.org/events > DFC: Digital Future Coalition < http://www.dfc.org/ > DFI: Digital Freedom Initiative < http://www.dfi.gov/ > Digital Society, The (Latin America): Sociedad Digital < http://www.sociedaddigital.org/ > and < http://www.asociedadedigital.org > DMA: The Direct Marketing Association < http://www.the-dma.org/ > DOC: U.S. Department of Commerce < http://www.doc.gov/ >
· ITA: International Trade Administration < http://www.ita.doc.gov/ >
· Office of Telecommunications < http://www.infoserv2.ita.doc.gov/ot/home.nsf >
· NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration < http://www.ntia.doc.gov >
PTO: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office < http://www.uspto.gov > TA: Technology Administration < http://www.ta.doc.gov/ > NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology < http://www.nist.gov/ > DOJ: U.S. Department of Justice < http://www.usdoj.gov/ > Antitrust Division: < http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/index.html > CCIPS: Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division < http://www.cybercrime.gov/ > EABC: European-American Business Council < www.eabc.org > EB/CIP: International Communications and Information Policy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State < http://www.state.gov/e/eb/cip >
- BA: Office of Bilateral Affairs
- MA: Office of Multilateral Affairs
- SP: Office of Strategic Planning, Satellite, and Cable Affairs
EBRD: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development http://www.ebrd.org ECE: Economic Commission for Europe E-Commerce Times: < http://www.ecommercetimes.com/ > ECTA: European Competitive Telecommunications Association < http://www.ectaportal.com > The Electronic Embassy: < http://www.embassy.org/ > epic: Electronic Privacy Information Center < http://www.epic.org/ > ESI: Economic Strategy Institute < http://www.econstrat.org/ > ERG: European Regulators Group < http://erg.eu.int/ > ERO: European Radiocommunications Office, Copenhagen, Denmark< http://www.ero.dk/ > ESOA: European Satellite Operators Association - a non-profit organisation based in Brussels ETO: European Telecommunications Office, Copenhagen, Denmark< http://www.eto.dk/ > ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Sophia Antipolis, France < http://www.etsi.org/ > European Commission Delegation in Washington : < http://www.eurunion.org/ > The European Institute : < http://www.europeaninstitute.org/ > EU: European Union < http://europa.eu.int/ >
EU: Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium < http://www.eucommittee.be/ > FCBA: Federal Communications Bar Association < http://www.fcba.org/ > FCC: U.S. Federal Communications Commission < http://www.fcc.gov/ > FTAA: Free Trade Agreement of the Americas < http://www.ftaa-alca.org/ > FTC : U.S. Federal Trade Commission < http://www.ftc.gov/ > GBDe: Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce < http://www.gbde.org/ > GII: Global Information Infrastructure GIIC: Global Information Infrastructure Commission < http://www.giic.org/ > GIP: Global Internet Project http://www.gip.org/ GIS: Global Information Society GTC: Global Technology Corps < http://www.globaltechcorps.org > GTS: Global Telecommunications Society http://www.gtswashington.org HIIP: Harvard Information Infrastructure Project http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/iip IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development < http://www.worldbank.org/ > iCAIR: International Center for Internet Research < http://www.icair.org/ > ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number < http://www.icann.org/ > ICANN@large : < http://members.icann.org/ > IDSA: Interactive Digital Software Association < http://www.idsa.com/ > IED: Internet for Economic Development < http://www.moons.com/internet/htm > IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers < http://www.ieee.org/ > IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force < http://www.ietf.org/ > IIPA: International Intellectual Property Alliance < http://www.iipa.com/ > IIPS: International Intellectual Property Institute < http://www.iipi.org/ > ILPF: Internet Law and Policy Forum < http://www/ilpf.org > IMF: International Monetary Fund < http://www.imf.org/ > IMO: International Maritime Organization < http://www.imo.org/ > IMSO: International Mobile Satellite Organization InfoDev: Information for Development Program < http://www.infodev.org/ > Inmarsat : < > INTELSAT: International Telecommunications Satellite Organization < http://www.intelsat.com/ > International E-commerce Activities: < http://www.interecommerce.org/ > Internet Alliance : < http://www.internetalliance.org/ > IPI: Internet Policy Institute < http://www.internetpolicyinst.org/ > ISO: International Standards Organization < http://www.iso.ch/ > ISOC: The Internet Society < http://www.isoc.org/ >
ISPBF: Internet Service Providers Business Forum < http://www.ispbf.org/ > ITAA: Information Technology Association of America < http://www.itaa.org/ > ITAC: International Telecommunications Advisory Committee (State/EB/CIP/MA government/private sector advisory committee on preparatory activities for meetings of multilateral organizations) These three subsectors of ITAC parallel the three subsectors of the ITU:
- ITAC-D: ITU Telecommunications Development Sector
- ITAC-R: ITU Radiocommunication Sector
- ITAC-T: Telecommunications Standardization Sector
- Study Group A - Telephony Services Addresses ITU-T study groups 2, 3 and 12
- Study Group B - Network Infrastructure Addresses ITU-T study groups 4, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 15
- Study Group D - New Service Applications Addresses ITU-T study groups 5, 7, 8, 9 and 16
ITC: International Trade Center, Geneva < http://www.intracen.org/ > ITC: U.S. International Trade Commission < http://www.usitc.gov/ > ITI: Information Technology Industry Council < http://www.itic.org/ > ITRE: The Institute of Telecommunications Resellers in Europe < http://www.itre.org/ > ITU: International Telecommunication Union < http://www.itu.int/ >
- ITU Council (annual) - C
- ITU Plenipot (Plenipotentiary Conference) (every four years)
- ITU-2000 Working Group
- ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF '98)
- ITU Strategic Planning Working Group
- The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) < http://www.itu.int/wsis >
- ITU-D : ITU Development Sector o W/RTDC (World/Regional Telecom Development Conference)
- TDAB (Telecom Development Advisory Board)
- TDAG (Telecom Development Advisory Group)
- GMPCS (Global Mobile Personal Communications System)
- VAP - (Valletta Action Plan)
- Study Group 1 (Telecommunications Development Policies and Strategies)
- Study Group 2 (Infrastructure and Revenue Development; Handbooks)
- ITU-R: ITU Radiocommunication Sector
- WRC (World Radiocommunications Conference)
- CPM (Conference Preparatory Meeting)
- RA (Radiocommunication Assembly)
- RAG (Radiocommunication Advisory Group)
- RRB (Radio Regulations Board)
- IRG (Inter-Conference Representative Group)
- JRG (Joint Rapporteurs Group) 8A-9B on Wireless Access
- JTG 4-9-11 (Joint Technical Group) Sharing among non-GSO and GSO, FSS, BSS, space sciences and terrestrial services
- SC (Special Committee on regulatory/procedural matters)
- GTE (Group of Technical Experts)
- CPM (Conference Preparatory Meeting)
- SNCR (Satellite Network Cost Recovery)
- Study Group 1 (Spectrum management)
- Task Group 1/5 (Unwanted emissions and the modification of
o Recommendation ITU-R SM.328-8 concerning out of band emissions)
- Study Group 3 (Radiowave propagation)
- Study Group 4 (Fixed-satellite service)
- Task Group 4/5 (Feeder links for the mobile-satellite service)
- Task Group 6/8 Preparation for the Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2004
- Task Group 6/9 (Digital Cinema)
- Study Group 7 (Science services)
- Study Group 8 (Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services)
- Task Group 8/1 (International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000))(formerly known as Future public land mobile telecommunication systems (FPLMTS))
- (Task group 8/2 on wind profiler radars has completed its work)
o Task Group 8/3 (Study Group 8 preparation for WRC-97)
- Study Group 9 (Fixed Service)
- Study Group 10 (Broadcasting services - sound)
- Study Group 11 (Broadcasting services - television)
- Task Group 11/5 (Interactive Television Broadcasting System)
- Working Party 1A (Engineering principles and techniques, including computer-aided analysis for effective spectrum management)
- Working Party 1B (Principles and techniques for spectrum planning and sharing)
- Working Party 1C (Techniques for spectrum monitoring)
- Working Party 3J (Propagation fundamentals)
- Working Party 3K (HF propagation)
- Working Party 3M (Point-to-point and Earth-space propagation)
- Working Party 4A (Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization)
- Working Party 4 SNG (Satellite news gathering, outside broadcast via satellite)
- Working Party 7B (Space radio systems (space research, data relay satellite, space operations, etc.))
- Working Party 7C (Earth exploration satellite systems and meteorological systems)
- Working Party 7D (Radioastronomy)
- Working Party 8A (Land mobile service excluding FPLMTS; amateur and amateur-satellite services)
- Working Party 8B (Land mobile service including Global Maritime
o Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); aeronautical mobile service excluding public telephone service with aircraft
- Working Party 8C (Radiodetermination service)
- Working Party 8D (All mobile satellite services except the amateur-satellite service; radio-determination satellite service; public telephone service with aircraft)
- Working Party 9A (Performance and availability, interference objectives and analysis, effects of propagation and terminology)
- Working Party 9B (Radio-frequency channel arrangements, radio system characteristics, interconnection, maintenance and special applications)
- Working Party 9D (Sharing with other services (except for the fixed-satellite service))
- Working Party 10B (Terrestrial sound broadcasting at frequencies above 30 MHZ (except sound broadcasting in the Tropical Zone))
- Working Party 10-11S (Satellite broadcasting)
- ITU-T: ITU Telecommunications Standardization Sector
- WTSA (World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly)
- TSAG (Telecom Standards Advisory Group)
- Study Group 2 (Network and Service Operation)
- Study Group 3 (Tariff and accounting principles,including related telecom economic and policy issues)
- Study Group 4 (TMN and Network maintenance)
- Study Group 5 (Protection against electromagnetic environment)
- Study Group 6 (Outside plant)
- Study Group 7 (Data networks and open system communications)
- Study Group 8 (Characteristics of telematic services)
- Study Group 9 (Television and sound transmission)
- Study Group 10 (Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication applications)
- Study Group 11 (Switching and signaling)
- Study Group 12 (End-to-end transmission performance of networks and terminals)
- Study Group 13 (General network aspects)
- Study Group 15 (Transmission systems and equipment)
- Study Group 16 (Multimedia services and systems)
- Study Group 17 (Data Networks and Telecommunications Software)
- SSG (Special Study Group on IMT-2000 and Beyond)
Lex Mercatoria: trade law web site < http://www.jus.uio/no/lm > MMCF: Multimedia Communications Forum < http://www.mmcf.org/ > MMTA: Multimedia Telecommunications Association < http://www.mmta.org/ > MPAA: Motion Picture Association of America < http://www.mpaa.org/ > MPRG: Virginia Tech's Mobile & Portable Radio Research Group http://www.mprg.ee.vt.edu/ Morino Institute: < http://www.morino.org/ > NAB: National Association of Broadcasters < http://www.nab.org/ > NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement < http://www.nafta-sec-alena.org/ > NARTE: National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers < http://www.narte.com/ > NARUC: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners < http://www.naruc.org/ > NCTA: National Cable Television Association < http://www.ncta.com/ > NECA: National Exchange Carrier Association < http://www.neca.org/ > NetCoalition.com: < http://www.netcoalition.com/ > Netpreneur Exchange: < http://www.netpreneur.org/ > NGI: Next Generation Internet Initiative < http://www.ngi.gov/ > NII: National Information Infrastructure NVTC: Northern Virginia Technology Council < http://www.nvtc.org/ > OAS: Organization of American States < http://www.oas.org/ > OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development < http://www.oecd.org/ >
- BIAC : OECD's Business and Industry Advisory Committee
- CCP: Committee on Consumer Policy
- CSTP: Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy
- ECSS: Executive Committee in Special Session
- ICCP: Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy
- TISP: Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Services Policy
- WPIE: Working Party on the Information Economy
- WPIIS : Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society
- WPISP: Working Party on Information Security and Privacy Steering Group on Electronic Authentication
- IND: Industry Committee
- STP: Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy
- TUAC: OECD's Trade Union Advisory Committee
OPA or online privacy alliance: < http://www.privacyalliance.org > OSTP: U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy < http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OSTP/html/OSTP_Home.html > PCIA: Personal Communications Industry Association < http://www.pcia.com/ > PTC: Pacific Telecommunications Council http://www.ptc.org PLI: Practising Law Institute http://www.pli.edu/ SACU: Southern African Customs Union SAIS: Johns Hopkins' Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies < http://www.sais-jhu.edu/ > SAP Reg: European Satellite Action Plan Regulatory Group (SAP REG) was formed by the satellite industry under a mandate from the European Commission to deal with regulatory provisions affecting satellite communication services in the Community. SAP REG members include satellite companies headquartered in the UK, or with significant resources located in the UK. SBCA: Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association < http://www.sbca.com/ > SCTE: Society of Cable & Telecommunications Engineers SIA: Software Industry Association < http://www.softwareindustry.org/ > SIIA: Software and Information Industry Association < http://www.siia.net/ > The Smart Card Forum: < http://www.smartcardforum.org/ > SNCR: Satellite Network Cost Recovery SOA: Summit of the Americas SIRG: Summit Implementation Review Group TABD: TransAtlantic Business Dialogue < http://www.tabd.com/ > TACD: TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue < http://www.tacd.com/ > TDA: U.S. Trade and Development Agency < http://www.tda.gov/ > TechNet: < http://www.technet.org/ > TIA: Telecommunications Industry Association < http://www.tiaonline.org/ > UNCITRAL : United Nations Commission on International Trade Law < http://www.uncitral.org/ > UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization < http://www.unesco.org/ > UNICT: United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force < http://www.unicttaskforce.org/ > Uniform Code Council: < http://uc-council.org/ > UPU: Universal Postal Union < http://www.upu.int/ > U.S. Chamber Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America: < http://www.uschamber.org/ >
USCIB: U.S. Council for International Business http://www.uscib.org
United Kingdom
U.S. Department of State: < http://www.state.gov/ >
USEU: U.S. Mission to the European Union < http://www.useu.be/ > U.S. Federal Government Agencies Directory: A List of Federal Agencies on the Internet: < http://www.lib.lsu.edu/gov/fedgovall.html > U.S. Government Electronic Commerce Policy: < http://ecommerce.gov > USOECD: U.S. Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development USTA: U.S. Telecommunications Association < http://www.usta.org/ > USTR: Office of the United States Trade Representative < http://www.ustr.gov/ > USTTI: United States Telecommunications Training Institute < http://www.ustti.org > WCA: Wireless Communications Association International http://www.wcai.com/ WIF: World Internet Forum < http://www.worldinternetforum.org/ > (registered but not active) WIIT: Women in International Trade < http://www.embassy.org/wiit/confer.html > WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organization < http://www.wipo.org/ > WIPO E-commerce: < http://ecommerce.wipo.int/ > WITA: Washington International Trade Association < http://www.wita.org/ > WITSA: World Information Technology and Services Alliance < http://www.witsa.org/ > World Economic Forum: < http://www.weforum.org/ > World Bank, The: < http://www.worldbank.org/ >
WSBR: Washington Space Business Roundtable < http://www.wsbr.org/ > WTO: World Trade Organization <http://www.wto.org >
- CTS: (Council on Trade in Services)
- TRIPS: (Committee on Trade in Intellectual Property)
WWICS Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: <http://wwics.si.edu/ > WWWC World Wide Web Consortium: < http://www.w3.org/ > |