Help the Dummy!
Never used the internet before?
Scared to travel in Europe in high season because you are worried
about sleeping on a bench in the station?
Worried about possible unforeseen problems and no-one to advise you?
Scared to use the internet?
Wary of booking online?
Then this is the site and hotel for you...
At long last, an information / reservation site for Dummy’s!
Travelling is good for the soul, stress is harmful for the health,
and the most stressful part of any vacation is of course the reserving and
confirming of bedrooms in a strange country a long long way from the home
Just follow our easy guidelines to reserve accommodation in Amsterdam,
Netherlands, be it Budget or Deluxe, and your world will open to more travel
in other countries.
Before you know it, you will be an accomplished online traveller, booking
not only your hotel room but also travel insurance and flight tickets for
half the price online!
Allow me to be your guide in your very first reservation and confirmation
of a room on the internet.
So let the lesson begin...
Imagine you are in your car, and driving on the highway
Consider the mouse (foto) your steering wheel.
With this mouse you are going to be steering your way throughout the
web-site. The mouse usually has 2 buttons, on the left and right side.
When you move your mouse over any text, you are using the pointer… this is
the mouse and shows itself in the form of a vertical line.
When the pointer suddenly changes into a hand (foto). This means that there
is more information behind the text. So to read this information, we
need to click on the line of text which shows the hand
Do this by quickly clicking on the left hand side of the mouse, rather like
indicating that you are going to turn left on the road
Didn’t work? Okay, try again, this time click a bit quicker, staccato if you
Now we can see the text that was hidden behind the line. This is called a
“link” because it is linking you to information.
To return to the previous page, just click on the GREEN arrow at the very
top left hand side of the page, pointing to the left. Now you have returned
to the previous page.
Okay, so far?
To return HOME at any point, just click on the box marked 'GO BACK HOME'.
On the right hand side of each web page you will see an arrow pointing
downwards. This tells you that there is more information lower down on the
If you wish, you can move your mouse over to this arrow and click on it. Now
you have just “scrolled” down the page. Good for you
You can also scroll up the page, just choose the arrow point heavenwards.
Right, now step into your imaginary car, buckle up and lets go do some
travelling! We are going to begin with an extremely user friendly hotel site
in Amsterdam, Budget Hotel Clemens, designed just for you and other internet
Once you are confidant to try another site, have a look at the cloud marked
“Clemens Hotel other sites”, and here you can indeed click away to your
hearts content!