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ART'OTEL BERLIN MITTE  [Category: 0-Star hotel]

-(s)-standard class hotel
Property type - hotel
4 stars
Modern design building with historical ermeler
House in central mitte . 109 comfortable rooms and
Suites with trendy decoration. works of art on
Display in rooms and public areas. 8 function rooms
With modern and roccoco interiors.
Located in the historic city centre of berlin, at
The spree river. art otel berlin mitte is
Surrounded by the alexanderplatz, the
Reichstag (german government), embassies and public
Transport. the art otel is close to many
Attractions the metropolis of berlin has to offer
Such as the nicolai quarter, galerie lafayette
Shopping centre, gendarmen market, the museum
Island and the brandenburger gate.

The Art'otel - Berlin is a deluxe hotel located in the 'Mitte' area of Berlin. The hotel is a virtual art museum itself. The interior design and architecture were created by Johanne Nalbach and the rooms and common areas are decorated with artwork by Georg Baselitz. With this artistic concept, the hotel has created a niche for itself in the hotel world, and set itself apart from the traditional hotel setting.
Art'otel offers first-class service, and despite high investment costs, maintains affordable nightly rates. The hotel is minutes to fine dining, shopping and entertainment.

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Please, check carefully hotel address before reservation! Some hotels are located in suburbs.

Wallstrasse 70-73
Berlin 10179
Txl airport 12 km/7.5 mi nw
Sfx airport 22 km/13.7 mi s
Primary property location - city
District - downtown
Primary local point of interest - downtown berlin
The hotel is located in downtown berlin near the
Cross street of leipzigerstrasse. the driving
Directions are as follows.
By car: hotel is located in the historical center
Of berlin, go direction "unter den
Linden,"fischerinsel," turn right from
"fischerinsel" into wallstrasse.
Public transportation: wherever you come from, you
Have to go to the underground station "maerkisches
Museum", hotel is located between the 2 exits.
Ber 0 km/0 mi n
Brandenburg gate 5 km/3.1 mi e
Charlottenburg castle 7 km/4.3 mi w
Checkpoint charlie 4 km/2.5 mi w
Convention center icc 9 km/5.6 mi w
Europe centre 5 km/3.1 mi w
Fernsehturm (tv tower) 2 km/1.2 mi e
Friedrichstrasse 2 km/1.2 mi w
Kadewe 5 km/3.1 mi w
Kaiser wilhelm gedachtniskirch5 km/3.1 mi w
Opera 2 km/1.2 mi w
Potsdam square 2.5 km/1.6 mi w
Reichstag 2 km/1.2 mi w
Shopping mile ku'damm 5 km/3.1 mi w
Tiegarten 4 km/2.5 mi w
Velodrom & european swimmingha6 km/3.7 mi e

Room service
Ice machines
Business centre
Laundry service
Meeting rooms
Nonsmoking rooms

Property facilities and services:
-business ctr -handicap fac -ice machines
-laundry svc -meeting rooms -nonsmoking rms
-room service
Additional on-site services and facilities -
Baggage hold / front desk / garage parking /
Hearing impaired services / wake-up calls
-the hotel is close to many attractions the
Metropolis of berlin has to offer such as the
Niolai quarter, galerie lafayette shopping center,
Gendarmen market, the museum island and the
Brandenburger gate.
-modern design building with historical ermeler
House in central mitte . 109 comfortable rooms and
Suites with trendy decoration. works of art on
Display in rooms and public areas. 9 function rooms
With modern and roccoco interiors. choice of two
Restaurants in the ermeler house.
Additional off-site services and facilities -
Train access / vcr rental / restaurant /
Babysitting/childcare / car rental desk
-the hotel is located near the golfclub schlob
Wilkendorf and the tsc city sport where there are
Indoor tennis courts. also in the area are several
Historical area attractions.
-the hotel is located near several services
Including car rental, vcr rental and babysitting.
Off-site recreational activities -
Gambling / golfing / museum/gallery viewing /
Swimming / shopping / theater / tennis

Note: It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the adequacy of the hotel information. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information displayed

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