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Overseas Security Advisory Council Thursday, 9 December 2004

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Crime and Safety Reports
Crime and Safety Reports are the annual reports written by Regional Security Officers about the current environment overseas. This page lists several of the last entered Crime and Safety Reports on our site.
22 June 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Libya
2004 OSAC Crime and Safety Report: Libya
Libya previously allowed the presence of various groups defined by the U.S. Government as terrorist organizations and is designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. Libyan officials participated in pa...
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17 May 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Canada
2004 OSAC Crime and Safety Report for Canada
In general, the occurrence of terrorist incidents, civil unrest and disorder, street crime, and anti-American sentiment is lower than in many other countries in which there is an official U.S. presenc...
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21 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Lahore, Pakistan
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report - Lahore, Pakistan
The U.S. Consulate in Lahore, Pakistan, submits the following 2004 Crime and Safety Report for the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC): I. Overall Crime and Safety Situation: The U...
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21 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Botswana
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Botswana
General Safety and Crime Situation: Botswana has arguably the most stable democracy in Africa and is a country where human rights and personal freedoms are respected. There is little anti-America...
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21 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Comoros
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Comoros
OVERALL CRIME AND SAFETY SITUATION The Union of the Comoros is a small archipelago with a population of approximately 600,000 and is comprised of three islands: Grande Comore, Anjouan, and Moeli. ...
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14 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Antigua And Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Caribbean, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe (French Antilles), Martinique (French Antilles), Montserrat, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (French/Dutch) and Saint Vincent And Grenadines
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Eastern Caribbean
OVERALL CRIME AND SAFETY SITUATION IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN American citizen tourists visiting anywhere in the Eastern Caribbean are not targeted for crime to a greater degree than other Western f...
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14 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Niger
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Niger
Overall Crime and Safety Situation: Thefts, robberies, home invasions and attempts of bribery and extortion by law enforcement authorities are crimes aimed at foreigners. More serious crimes like...
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6 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Ghana
2004 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Ghana
Overall Crime & Safety Situation: There is a formal extradition treaty between the Government of Ghana and the United States. In addition, the relations between the two countries are cordial and ...
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5 April 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Latvia
2004 OSAC Crime and Safety Report for Latvia
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30 March 2004. Crime and Safety Report from Bosnia-Herzegovina
2004 OSAC Crime and Safety Report for Bosnia
2004 OSAC Crime and Safety Report for Sarajevo: 1.Overall Crime and Safety situation: Sarajevo is currently rated as medium threat crime post by the most recent State Department worldwide evalu...
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