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A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Electric Scooters

Electric Scooter Safety

Safety counts and it's important to review guidelines for scooting safely. This is the most important information we offer at and we hope it helps keep you and yours safe. Let's be careful out there!

If you are looking to buy electric scooters for kids, then the advice is to buy scooters for kids over the age of 12. Non motorized scooters are suitable for kids over 8.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommendations are as follows:

● Wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. (Wrist guards may make it difficult to grip the handle and steer the scooter.)

● Children under age 8 should not use non-powered scooters without close adult supervision. Children under 12 should not ride motorized scooters.

● Avoid gravel and uneven pavement, which can cause falls.

● Don't ride scooters in traffic.

● Don't ride scooters at night - riders can't see where they're going or be seen by others.

● Wear sturdy shoes.

● Owners of scooters should check with local authorities for local laws regarding scooters.

In addition to the CPSC's recommendations we'd like make some recommendations of our own. Here are a few more common sense safety guidelines to follow while riding your electric scooter:

● Don't dart out of driveways or from between parked cars.

● Stop at all stop signs.

● Carefully check for traffic and never swerve when looking over your shoulder.

● Check the scooter's equipment before you ride including all nuts and bolts, the brakes, the frame and tires.

● Read and understand the instruction manual.

● Observe all safety and warning labels on your scooter.

● Scooters are intended for one rider. Never carry an additional person on board when scooting.

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