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Get Your Florida Learner's Permit

Take the DATA course here for $29.95 and you can take your DMV exam here!

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DATA = Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness - Required Course
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Got a Traffic Ticket in Florida?

$27.39 Take Traffic School here
No points on your license
No insurance increase*

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This is the BDI Course
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Contribute to High School Driver
Florida DMV Offices
Florida Drivers Association
Florida Dept of Education
Florida Drivers Handbook

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State Approved
Trusted Drivers

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Road Rules Free Florida DMV Practice Test
Road Signs Free Florida DMV Practice Test
Florida First Time Driver (DATA Course) and DMV Exam. Both Online


Download Your Music, Your Way

Our Music team just finished testing out all the major online Music providers and determined that Napster Rules. 700,000 tracks, download them, burn them. Read all about it and check out Napster today!

How to Get Your Learners Permit
Great info for getting your first drivers license in Florida, New York, or California.
For your Florida Learner Permit we have Two online courses on and your off to the DMV. We also have guides for New York and California

MP3 Players - Take your Music with You!
Our music team checks out the coolest new digital music players
that can handle MP3s and the hot new WMA (windows media audio) files from Napster. Read all about it and join the future of music.

You're Bright Future
Help Someone, Help Yourself to College
Created in 1997, Florida Bright Futures Scholarship program rewards student for their academic achievements in High-School by providing scholarships for College or other secondary education. To qualify you've got to have great grades (3.0 or higher), good test scores and complete 75 hour of community service. If you get the top scholarship 100% of your tuition is paid for and you get some walk around money as well. We explore the many choices you have for community service - many of them are both rewarding and educational.

Can You Keep a Promise?
Make a real commitment to be a safe driver
There are universal truths. Parents worry about their kids. Teenagers do not understand risk. Don't take that as an insult, it's your age. Just like your parents age keeps them from understanding your music. In the case of risk and driving the consequences are serious. HSD interviewed Gary Direnfeld, the creator of the I Promise program.

R U Safe Checklist
Review our safe driving checklist - espically useful if you are a new driver with a learners permit or operators license

What to do in an Accident
Will you know what to do if you get into an accident? Here are step-by-step instructions

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Florida Drivers Association