Outward route
Belfast - Stranraer
Dover - Calais (SeaFrance)
Dover - Calais
Dover - Calais
Fishguard - Rosslare
Folkestone - Calais
Harwich - Hook
of Holland
Holyhead - Dun
Jersey - Guernsey
Jersey - Poole
Jersey - Portsmouth
Jersey - Weymouth
Jersey - St Malo
Liverpool - Douglas
Liverpool - Dublin
Newhaven - Dieppe
Portsmouth - Bilbao
Portsmouth - Guernsey
Portsmouth - Jersey
Portsmouth - Caen
Portsmouth - Cherbourg
Portsmouth - Le Havre
Portsmouth - St Malo
Poole - Guernsey
Poole - Jersey
Poole - St Malo
Poole - Cherbourg
Plymouth - Santander
Plymouth - Roscoff
Rosslare - Fishguard
Guernsey - Weymouth
Troon - Belfast
Heysham - Douglas
Heysham - Belfast
Return route (optional)
// none
Belfast - Stranraer
Calais - Dover (SeaFrance)
Calais - Dover
Calais - Dover
Rosslare - Fishguard
Calais - Folkestone
Hook of Holland
- Harwich
Dun Laoghaire -
Guernsey - Jersey
Poole - Jersey
Portsmouth - Jersey
Weymouth - Jersey
St Malo - Jersey
Douglas - Liverpool
Dublin - Liverpool
Dieppe - Newhaven
Bilbao - Portsmouth
Guernsey - Portsmouth
Jersey - Portsmouth
Caen - Portsmouth
Cherbourg - Portsmouth
Le Havre - Portsmouth
St Malo - Portsmouth
Guernsey - Poole
Jersey - Poole
St Malo - Poole
Cherbourg - Poole
Santander - Plymouth
Roscoff - Plymouth
Fishguard - Rosslare
Weymouth - Guernsey
Troon - Belfast
Douglas - Heysham
Belfast - Heysham
Experience is everything! With trained operators standing by
7 days a week, let our experienced team advise you on the best
deals and the most cost effective times on the crossing of your
choice. Call now on:
0870 700 0139
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- 9pm 9am
- 5pm 10am
- 5pm
Continental Assistance
Save 50% on European breakdown cover by calling us on 0870 700 0139
or clicking here
Single trip cover from £8
Annual multi-trip
from £29
Longstay cover from £49
Wintersports cover from £16