Platinax Internet home
Platinax Internet: helping business online
Platinax Internet: A one-stop resource for business on the web, covering a wide-range of information topics essential to sucessful online commerce.
Platinax Beta: opened, October 14th 2004
Resources for helping your online business cope with immediate issues.
Resources for marketing research and theory.
Articles, resources, tools, plus discussion boards and commentary on SEO practices.
Resources for e-commerce users, with information on shopping carts, processors, and general online commerce issues.
Online security is a major concern for business: read articles and resources for securing your site and business online.
Information and useful resources and articles on webhosting, for webhosts and webhosting users.
Webdesign, graphics, and general webdevelopment information, resources, and help.
For everything else, there are also articles and general resources for webmasters, covering webmastering issues and information.
Online help for UK and international business
Platinax Internet is a resource site, for UK and International businesses, looking to succeed on the largest marketplace on earth.
The World Wide Web remains untapped in huge areas of industry, and many businesses have failed to exploit themselves properly online.
Platinax Internet therefore aims to help UK and International businesses increase their internet presence and revenue, with news, articles, resources and general information - as well as an interactive community - all provided by people who have already succeeded online in their chosen areas.
Platinax has been created by merging together the websites business-talk.co.uk, seo-lab.com, and a couple of smaller prokects that were in development.