Designing & creating life, career & business slogans
by Catherine Franz
Information is coming at us from all directions nowadays.
This pace requires us to demand that we receive it fast and
predigested in order to inch ahead of the game. This also
requires a new filing system method for storing the bites
and bytes.
In this article, we will go into greater details on:
- Why slogans are important in today’s society fast-pace
information systems.
- What is a slogan?
- Learn the six major types of slogans.
- The many uses for slogans.
- Seven ways to make slogans memorable.
First, lets create a clear definition for a slogan. A
slogan is a noun, usually repeated and persuasive that
creates a memorable catch phrase, motto, or jingle, that
expresses a particular aim or concept. A concept that you
want to stick in your audience’s mind like glue to paper.
Second, what makes a slogan memorable? Brevity is first in
line -- normally 10 words or less. Rhythm is the only
exception to brevity. Rhythm is easier to create if there
is an association to the receiver’s past -- like a
particular jingle on TV during their teen years for those
now in their 50s. I still hold one from a TV ad long ago,
"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should." And I never
An additional method is through repetition or language
vividness. More on this later.
Third, what are the benefits for using slogans? Brevity, as
mentioned earlier, meets the requirements of today’s fast
pace. Slogans also influence decisions, persuade, and add
credibility. Our brains are like filing cabinets. A slogan
makes it easier to file and pull when needed. For NLPers,
neuro-linguistic programming, slogans create anchors. When
people repeat the slogan, then consider it filed.
There are five major slogan types:
- A feature - a uniqueness or difference between a
substance, product or object. Ex: "Write an ebook in 7
- A benefit - a result that someone receives. Remember,
this saves you [time or money].
- A question - thought-provoking methods. "How would you
like to be a millionaire in three years?"
- A challenge - a dare. Ex: The Marines, "We are only
looking for a few good men."
- A structure - a design or collection put together for a
single purpose. Ex: "The Abundance Center holds all the
information you will ever need to know on abundance."
There are seven ways to make a slogan memorable:
- Make it exciting
- Be boastful or exaggerated
- Self-referencing
- Metaphorical, playful or humorous
- Inspirational or uplifting
- To trigger painful memories or possibilities
- Use of vivid or freshful language
Okay, the basics are out of the way. Yet to come: How to
use slogans in your personal life, career, and business.
Including examples for re-enforcement.
Create Life Slogans
Life slogans help energize goals, dreams, and even change
beliefs. One of my favorite slogans gets me jumping out of
bed every morning (benefit, self-referencing): "Everyday
begins as a clean new slate, I am free to choose what gets
written there." Is there a slogan that swirls around in
your head in the morning? Share it with others -- write a
poem or create a story about it.
Playtime: Create a life slogan, two or three, that get you
hopping. Try them out for a day or two. Measure their
energy from 1-10 (10 being highest). Share and ask for
Do you have children? Create positive slogans that rhythm
and trigger action. I don't recommend negative slogans
like, "Last one in, is a rotten egg." Create positive
slogans, "First one in, gets a hug (rhythm and action).
This slogan is a little too cute, yet it makes my point.
Create Career Slogans
Do you belong to Toastmasters or give presentations? Use
slogans for the title, then repeat it in your content along
with its meaning, and as the last line. Watch how many
mention its affects afterwards. Create a new one for each
Create interview slogans. Ones that help them remember you.
Know the company’s slogan. Create a slogan that builds on
you're your features and benefits of why they need to hire
you. Use it during the interview. You can create one that
can use one or two of the different types: self-
referencing, metaphorical or inspirational.
Slogans are powerful enough that people, like comedians and
actors, have developed entire careers around them. You
don't need to be famous to start. Slogans can even become
book titles later on.
Business Slogans
In business, slogans are usable for self-introductions,
prospective presentations, on web sites, in e-mail
signatures, and even speaking engagements.
Example: You are a coach giving a presentation for a
contract with a company for life coaching or business
coaching. Create a slogan for a process or concept on what
applications you will be using. Or give the process an
acronym, like S.T.O.P. [something]. Let the acronym be the
start of the slogan. Create one for your complimentary
sessions. You can also create a slogan to share each week
with your clients.
Be creative, use a slogan in each of your sales and
marketing processes, change them frequently if you need to.
Sold a contract a year ago with one slogan, create another,
and sell them another contract this year.
Use slogans in article titles, ebooks or books. Sometimes a
slogan takes off and becomes so memorable it becomes the
brand for a company. Coke Cola with the slogan, "The real
thing," took themselves to first place in the marketplace
with these three words. Everything afterwards just wasn't
the real thing.
Creating a Slogan
Where do you start to build slogan’s? Re-read any of your
notes or material. Highlight phrases that contain high
energy. Do you lead teleclasses, like I do? Ask
participants at the end of each call for two or three words
of what they are taking away. Whatever they provide was
memorable for them. Hear it multiple times, those are sure
slogans. This also applies to pilot programs you might
give. Ask for feedback, they are usually built in slogans.
Ask, "What do I want people to remember about [me][my
company]?" KISS it -- keep it simple and short. That is
possibly a slogan.
Next, ask, "What do I want them to do?" This is another
type of slogan. Yellow pages had a great one for years,
"Let your fingers do the walking."
Another way to create a slogan is to take two phrases that
have parallel construction and place them together with a
comma. Ex: Prizefighter Ali, "Float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee."
Rhyme helps create memorable slogans. Read poetry for triggers or
language that influences or inspires.
Ask friends for help. Make it a game at a meal event. Ask
clients too on feedback as to what makes you memorable to
them. They always keep it short.
Be playful when creating slogans. Keep take of them too in
your business journal or in a slogan file on your computer.
Add and use them frequently. Encourage others to do the
same. Success attracts success. Share it and it will,
"Always attract back everything you need."