The Wayback Machine -

Welcome to Affinity! A role-play game directory made for one reason; to bring all kinds of communities, big, small, 'elite' and not so elite, together. So, if you've got play by post, play by e-mail, MUD, MOO or any other sort of role-play game that fits in our categories, please feel free to join! All you have to do is read the guidelines and then submit! Simple ey?

Now, navigation is to the right updates and other tid-bits can be found below. Don't forget about the Discussion board either! We want to hear from you. *cheesy grin*  Enjoy!
24th of November 2004, 6:16pm, NZEST - New layout as you can see. ^_^ It will be one of the last for a while, re-organizing a lot of my time lately, so I had to make it something I am sure I would be happy with for at elast 5 months to come. Also, just to let you guys know I have been getting the Milestone applications. ^_^ I haven't forgotten about ya, time sucks is all. Your RPGs are linked on the milestones page and I will have your questions e-mailed to you at my first free moment. The discussion board has a new skin, yay, and as you can see the site has had some tweakage. I hope you guys all enjoy the new look and what will will have to offer as time passes. ^_^ A code check will be happening at the end of this month, so all site owners:

Please make sure your link/code to Affinity can A) be found easily and B) is not direct linked (if you are using an image code). Also Make sure that any link you have to Affinity is correctly linked. If we cannot find your link or find that a code has been direct linked we will remove you from the listing.

Other than that, things are going well here ^_^ I have loads of new staff, everyone love them. *loves them* And stuff will be on the ball here shortly. Enjoy the new look, contact me if you need anything and keep on gaming!

Btw. The staff page isn't finished yet. *hides* I know, its naughty of me, but I wanted to get this page up. X.x Oh yesh, all the pending reviews will get done soon! We're still doing a bit of organizing, thought at least for me, it wont happen this weekend as I have thanksgiving and all that jazz. (In case you're wondering why New Zealand celebrates it; they don't, I just force my husband's family to bow to my American Culture. XXXXXD) Ta for now!