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Thumbshots - Click with confidence!

Thumbshots are screenshots of web pages to help you locate web sites quickly and easily. Thumbshots display exactly what you would get before visiting a link. Millions of people trust and rely on thumbshots to take control of their surfing.

Improve Search Accuracy

Every site has a distinctive look and feel making searching easier. For example, a shoe store will display pictures of shoes.

Filter Offensive Sites

Preview any suspicious sites before visiting. Adult sites are easily recognized by their explicit images.

Locate Ambiguous Sites

For example, when searching for "Angels", you can easily distinguish between a religious site and the Angels baseball team.

Filter Foreign Sites

Visualize foreign sites. You can guess the content of a site even if you cannot read the text.

Recall Previously Visited Sites

Relocate previously visited sites quickly. You'll have no problem recognizing sites you've visited just by glancing.

Filter Duplicates & Related Sites

Find duplicate or related sites visually. For example, the two sites are from USA and China.

Did you know?

  • Millions of people are using thumbshots everyday to help improve their surfing experience.
  • Over 90% of users would like to see thumbshots in their favorite search engine.

What People Say About Thumbshots

"The thumbnail idea is a good one."
-- Michael Rogers,

"Thank you for a great service. It helps me to filter all the spam and porn sites. I feel a lot safer when my kids go online with thumbshots."
-- Cindy Michaels, FL

"Of all the free services and content out there this has got to be the best I've seen in a while, kudos!"
-- Kristopher E.J.,

"Thumbshots make it really easy to find the sites you're looking for. It's a fantastic idea!"
-- David Newman., CA

"I like to whole concept of thumbs!"
-- Bill Graham,

"Great idea, it really helps to visualize the site! Congratulations for your great service."
-- Stephan, Preun

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